[color=bc8dbf][h2]Sachiko Kanno|Drifting Cloud[/h2][/color] Sachiko sighed quietly to herself as she walked through the forest she knew she was in the wrong pride got the best of her and she let it control her. As a assassin such a thing would get someone killed and even if she walked away from that path she was still beating herself up over it. Still it angered her this person came into something like he did and does nothing to act but rather stayed quiet about the whole deal. While yes she was in the wrong his actions did not sit well with her reminded her of multiple hits she was sent out on in the past where people like that got her comrades killed. A deer was strung over as she prepared to haul it back to the camp a sort of apology for what she did. Hopefully this wouldn't affect her sister care in anyway. She quietly walked back but stopped at the stream nearby the camp for a quick rest and to wash away some of the blood that got caked on her hands and face from when she took down the deer.