[center][b]???[/b] [hider=Protectors or executers?] [img]http://i1.wp.com/www.viralblasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/special-forces-9.jpg?resize=535%2C355[/img] [/hider][/center] He was nobody. More accurately: He was special, elite, and that made him a nobody. In this patrol he was the only one. The other four soldiers were dressed like normal soldiers. They had standard issue uniforms that showed their rugged faces. But this one soldier, he wasn’t like them. His entire uniform was made to intimidate all bystanders. His mask made him what he was supposed to be: A soldier without an identity. Adorned to his helmet was a large black star that felt oddly out of place. He looked different, but his mission was the same as theirs: Make sure nobody leaves this city, no matter what. These were orders that they had -to some extend- defied. Soldiers weren’t ordered to patrol. All they had to do was sit at the borders and shoot anything that came too close. There were many soldiers that believed securing the safety of the people within the city was more important, but only a few dared to speak up. He was one of these few, and therefore he patrolled. How would he keep this city save though? The soldier had no idea. There were too many freaks willing to use their powers to destroy the lives of others. A lady’s shriek broke the eerie silence that had taken hold of king’s road. He looked up, witnessing the woman backing away from a corpse that had started to move. The soldier readied his weapon, an imposing full-automatic, and aimed it at the corpse. Luckily it only flailed around for a bit before it went back to being dead. He looked around and saw a young girl hastily walking into the nearest, and only, open establishment. The soldier shook his head. A newly awakened still unable to keep her power in check it seems. It didn’t surprise him, it happened quite regularly. What surprised the soldier more was how he was now so used to this crazy world he was now living in. Just another day in the life of the soldiers without a face. And just like that, his patrol continued. [hr] [center][b]Miles[/b] [hider=Just your run-of-the-mill bartender] [img] http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30600000/Drew-Variety-s-4th-Annual-Power-Of-Youth-Event-drew-van-acker-30647415-341-500.jpg [/img] [/hider][/center] The first girl that came In seemed to be of around the same age as Miles. And just like the customers before her, she was greeted by the bartender. As a bit of a comic book geek, he immediately caught the eye of her deadpool T-shirt. She looked a little beat up, but that was eerily normal at this point in time. He recalls he had to treat the wounds of three members of the biker gang. They had been caught in the crossfire between two people that were fighting each other with powers. He also had to treat the elderly man at table seven, who had suffered a head wound when his home was raided. You knew something was completely out of control when there wasn’t even any respect for the elderly. Miles wanted to help the people. The city needed people to protect the people. Who knows, maybe the military could appreciate the help of some supermen? Miles’ train of thought was broken when the girl had reached the bar. Her accent was that of an American, but he couldn’t place at any more specific. It wasn’t the same as the other girl in the lounge bar. That one was obviously Californian. Miles nodded at her query for a first aid kid [b]”I do, but maybe there’s a better way. May I see the wound?”[/b] Miles walked around to face the girl at the other side of the bar. Upon inspection, he could see that her head wound had been quite vicious. The dried blood surrounding it indicated that the wound wasn’t too recent. Maybe she had walked around for a while looking for help? He somewhat pitied her, but her suffering was over now. He grinned and nodded again. [b]”I can fix this for you. Just stand still for a moment, this might sting a bit.”[/b] He softly pressed his hand against the wound. He breathed in deeply, then out. The observant would see that his arm started to glow in a faint, blue light that slowly crept onto the head of the girl. [i]”Enchant”[/i] Miles whispered as the light vanished. Seconds later, it was as if the wound had never been there. In his opinion, this was how powers should be used. Why sow chaos when you could use your powers to do so much good? [b]”All fixed. Do you want a drink?”[/b] The bartender smiled at her as he returned to the other side of the bar, ready to take her order. Miles’ little stunt had not gone unnoticed to the rest of the bar. Then again, most of them had already seen him do this at least once. Nicole wouldn’t be the first, nor the last that would need healing today. One person in particular, however, had taken notice of the battered girl. It was the girl at table three, who had been talking with the middle aged man for a little over an hour at this point. The slender girl was in her mid-twenties, and seemed to be a mix of Caucasian and Asian. She waved at Nicole, and beckoned her over to take a seat with her and the man. She probably wanted her story, she always did. Miles perked up when he noticed a familiar face entering the bar. He smiled and welcomed Alanis. He cocked his head as he did so to take a glimpse at the smaller presence that was following her. The white dog that had been sitting in front of his establishment for a while seemed to follow her somewhat reluctantly. He didn’t remember Alanis ever telling him that she had a dog, and she definitely wouldn’t leave it at his front door like that for a good half hour. As she walked up to the bar, he was already busy preparing her favorite drink: Lemon drop. [b]”Hello Alanis.”[/b] Miles sighed at her remark[b]”What really sucks is this entire damn quarantine. One day and this entire city turned into a warzone, can you believe it? Most peoples won’t even leave their homes unless they can defend themselves with… well you know.”[/b] He handed Alanis her drink as he continued [b]”You look fine though, that’s good. Do you have them, powers I mean?”[/b] The dog, instead of sticking with Alanis, started to wander the bar. The animal kept itself perfectly silent as it did so. Ultimately it ended up looking at the TV, displaying the governmental information channel. In London, this was now the only channel available. It promised to keep the citizens up-to-date with every little bit of information regarding the quarantine. Filthy liars, all it had told them thus far was to stay indoors as much as possible. They even still dared to claim a disease was the cause of this quarantine. Nobody bought that story anymore. The radio was pretty much the same. The only reason that the bar still had normal music was because Miles had some decent CDs lying around. Who had ever thought that the CD would make their comeback in London?! Not Miles, that was for sure. [b]”You plan on taking care of that?”[/b] Miles said as he pointed at the dog. [b]”It’s not one of the customer’s, I’m certain. Its owners are dead, most likely. Although, are you sure you can manage with an extra mouth to feed?”[/b] Miles’ smile vanished as he adopted a grim expression [b]”Not to mention, the people... the destruction and the killing.”[/b] He gritted his teeth, just thinking about it made him angry. Miles Interrupted his conversation with Alanis for a bloke that sat down at the bar. He welcomed him as he put down the bank note and nodded at his request. He grabbed a few bottles and started to mix a black Russian for the man. [b]”Don’t worry about payment. People have to help each other out in times like these. You’ll never know when you’ll actually need that money.”[/b] he gave the man a faint smile as he put the handed him his drink. [b]”Please enjoy!”[/b] When Miles wanted to turn his attention to Alanis, he noticed someone taking place next to Dominic. The American girl that had entertained herself in the lounge area had made her way to the bar [b]”I’ll have the same thing.”[/b] she said in the most obvious Californian accent. She then turned all of her attention to the man. Miles rose a brow as he mixed another. He wasn’t sure what it was about this woman, but something about her made his skin crawl. The woman that had taken place next to Dominic had blazing red hair that went past her shoulders. This colour formed a pleasant contrast against her white skin. Her icy blue eyes peered at him for a bit before flashing him a charming smile. [b]”Hello there. You seem to be a little down on your luck. Is the city getting to you, or has your power been causing you trouble?”[/b] She spoke softly, incomprehensibly soft to anyone besides Dominic. She eyed his reaction with a glint of amusement in her eyes as she took a sip of the cocktail. Her eyes then spurred open as if she was ready to spit the concoction out, but luckily she managed to swallow it. [b]”Ugh, coffee flavour.”[/b] She murmured with a sigh.