[hider=Mila Riviére] [h1][color=00746b][center]Mila Riviére[/center][/color][/h1] [center]27 Female [color=00746b]00746b[/color][/center] [hr] [i] [center]Five and a half feet of flowers and flame; she may look innocent, but plays no games.[/center][/i] [hr] [color=00746b][center]Appearance[/center][/color] [center][URL=http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/LadyK/media/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_03-30-11.59.14_zpszno71zeh.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1381.photobucket.com/albums/ah211/LadyK/Mobile%20Uploads/PicsArt_03-30-11.59.14_zpszno71zeh.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Mila has delicate features; full lips, silken skin, and high cheekbones. Striking green eyes framed by wispy lashes gaze with a questioning intensity as she observes the milieu and nuances in life. Her long, chocolate hair falls in gentle waves to the middle of her back – when it isn’t done up in an elegant braid. It’s not often one sees her without her chador, but underneath lies subtle curves wrapped in soft, snakeskin leathers in hues of green and gold. [hr] [color=00746b][center]Occupation[/center][/color] [center]Daydreamer, chronicler, poet, and more… Mila is in the business of writing – if you can call it a business. You see, as far as she is aware, she has not sold or published a single work to date.[/center] [hr] [color=00746b][center]Personality and Biography[/center][/color] Don’t let her fragile appearance fool you. This lady has fire in her soul and is a quick study to boot. Merely preferring to peacefully observe should not be mistaken for weakness – for she is willing do whatever is necessary to complete the task at hand. Mila may take some time to warm up to others due to her lack of social life, as she spends much of her time alone, mainly avoiding her parents and their constant berating and arrangements for her. Mila comes from a small, middle-class family. Despite not being wealthy, her parents are extremely entitled beings, whose plans for their daughter included nothing more than marrying her off to the wealthiest man they could convince to take her. Of course, Mila had other ideas of what her life should entail; turning instead, to the limitless marvel that is writing – a venture which her parents took full advantage of. Stipulating that Mila must allow her parents to deal with the business end, she focused on writing… oblivious to the fact her parents were keeping the fruits of her labor, all the while leading her to believe she had yet to sell any works. Rather than be discouraged by this, however, her ambitions remain absolute as she strives for illustriousness. Despite the money she has unknowingly made for her parents, they find her lazy, useless, and untalented (and rarely miss the chance to tell her as much). So when the opportunity arose to both get rid of their daughter and gain the affluence they had been attempting to procure since her birth… they jumped at the chance, immediately offering Mila up like an unwanted camel. Be that as it may, the not-so-unexpected betrayal was not a problem for Mila, who was all-too ready to venture out into the world and escape the tyranny of her parents in search of adventure, knowledge, and inspiration… come what may. [hr] [color=00746b][center]Belongings[/center][/color] Other than clothing, Mila carries with her a small, hand-crafted journal and a leather roll containing various writing tools. [/hider]