''Very silly but I would never trade any member in it'' Vanessa said and giggled softly. She took three slices herself and then walked to Xaven, holding herself a beer too and smiling. ''Wait.. You drink beer?'' Daisy asked. Vanessa looked up and nodded. ''You learn to drink a lot at college party's.. Especially when you are forced to go by the one that actually becomes your best friend'' Vanessa said with a grin and watched Xaven take the first bite. She nodded when he asked her if she really was gonna do that too. ''Twenty then'' Lesley said to Drake's dramatic reaction and giggled. She took a sip of her beer and bit from her slice pizza, she herself had two slices just like Xaven's parents. Vanessa looked at Xaven and whispered: ''I told Ralph to go after Tamara after dinner.. To look after her and see if we can help her out... It is clearly that he likes her and wants to protect her''. She then looked at Ralph and smiled. ''Vanessa, you know that the ground around the house of this one is huge? Have you ever thought about building a extra house or two for when Drake and Ralph will start their own family?'' George asked. ''Well.. I've not thought that far yet.. I only returned today'' she said. ''Will they not go find their own house then?'' Daisy asked, a bit surprised. ''Ehm..'' Vanessa said and thought of a explanation. ''No ma'am.. We made a promise today at the lake to always stick with each other and as long as Vanessa is okay with it, we use this house to live in'' Lesley said. ''True friendship'' George said to help out. Vanessa smiled and nodded.