[b][color=00aeef]Wicked Flame[/color][/b] Wicked, still serious, said.[color=6ecff6] "Really? Well if you are so magnificent prove it! By the way, the statues are possessed by demons. Good luck with that. Go." [/color] After he had gone, Wicked went back to the office and buried herself in paperwork. The reports on Tia's attack had to be filed and reported. She wondered about Omega's intentions and what he was up to. He reminded her too much of Kronos. She also wondered if he was giving Tia a hard time. She needed to appoint a second in command for Tia's sake. But which one...she pulled their files out and started looking them over. There were a lot of good candidates. She would have to meet them in person. [@Funnyguy] [@Dark Light][@Blop]