"When are you going to grow up and get a job?" Sean's father thundered. "I did not pay for you to go to Yale to just have a wall ornament, I meant for you to use your degree. Instead, you're out partying every night doing god knows what with God knows who!" "Relax pop, I'm just enjoying my youth." Sean had this argument with his father at least once a week and his mother always took his side. Sean's father was a very successful businessman who wanted nothing more than for his son to come work for him. He wanted Sean to take his place as CEO of the empire he had built. Sean only seemed interested in goofing off with parties and as many women as would have him. Speaking of women, a name he hadn't expected to see again flashed across his phone screen. "Hello?" Sean's father was visibly irritated that Sean had answered the phone during their discussion. "I'm a little hurt that you don't remember me, Allison," Sean teased. "I'm Sean Malloy. We met at a charity event at one of my father's hotels about a month ago. Do you maybe want to grab a bite to eat and catch up?" Sean normally had a rule about not doing the same girl more than once, but he'd make an exception for Allison. It had been a really good night.