All of the comlinks lit up and Wicked's voice came over them. [color=00aeef]"This is Wicked Flame. I need an update on the battle. As soon as you break the statues get back here ASAP. I'll be waiting in the lounge. We are having a meeting and someone better tell Kain about it. His comlink is here and I saw him in the field earlier."[/color] Wicked smirked to herself. They'd had no idea she had been there, even if it was only for a moment. She got back to the Medical building to check on Tia while she waited for someone to update her on the battle. The doctor seemed happy with Tia's progress. Apparently he had found a way to strengthen her neck so it would not break so easily. He had just gotten through with her surgery. Wicked frowned when he told her. The doctor referred her to R&D, they could explain it better he said. [color=00aeef]"The metal grafts onto the bone and it stays as flexible as before but it is stronger."[/color] Wicked nodded as she looked at her niece.