Kimiko-chan considered the depth of her fry dealer's stratagem carefully. It was good he was here. Though her gut was still roiling at the sight of the accident, Daisuke's brash confidence in the face of waist-high EvilBots also filled her with a sense of determination. She supposed this was the fabled charisma inherent in all true delinquents, but all the same, the fact that he was willing to beat things up was good. It did not take fearlessness to attack the EvilBots, but it did take true bravery. Especially by taking all of them on the left. It was a good plan, and played to Daisuke-kun's strengths. Kimiko-chan, however, intended to strike true fear into their synthetic hearts. [color=00a651]"Good plan. I will be taking the one at the center of their front row," [/color]Kimiko said stolidly. Daisuke turned to look at her in confusion, but it was clear from her face that her mind had been made up - even if he had no idea what it was going on about. [color=00a651]"I will defeat it and tame it,"[/color] she continued, voice picking up steam, [color=00a651]"because I am a [i]girl,[/i] and robots know as little of a girl's fiery heart as any boy. I will pluck that thing directly from the heart of their vanguard and bring the sky blue back into its eyes. I am going to help these people by [i]stealing that pizza bot.[/i] And then I want [i]lunch.[/i]"[/color]