It looked liked the cavalry had finally arrived. Kain noticed super's he hadn't even met yet and wondered if they were even part of the same organisation. The world was vastly becoming smaller while the limitations and possibilities of people's power unimaginable. Meta's were the new weapons, it was only a matter of time before the next atom bomb was born... If he wasn't already. It was that unavoidable uncontrollable fate that Kain feared. To be powerless and hopeless in the face of true disaster. Pushing those thoughts aside Kain couldn't help but feel redundant in the presence of such powers. Stepping back he assessed the situation as a whole. The menace was very loud and very public, you couldn't miss it. All law enforcement, emergency services and special forces were present. The only clear goal was destruction. Their were no ransoms, claims or gains... Unless. A diversion. Kain placed his hand on the floor. He familiarised himself with the pattern and vibrations of the giants near himself. He was so deep in focus he didn't notice the stone giant nearly crumble ontop of him. Narrowly missing him there was no point stopping now. And there it was. Something not too far away was putting an unusual pressure on the ground, but it wasn't a giant statue. Kain quickly ran over to his bike and picked it up. As soon as his flesh touch the metal it began repairing its dents and scrapes. Then Kain was off.