[center][img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidzworld_photo/images/2012424/10e814f3-46e0-4773-9e71-8bd91e64bae3/feature_secret_agent_feat.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=fff200]Agents of SATU[/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=fff200]The Special Advanced Talent Unit is made up of teenagers who have shown exceptional promise. Only teens who were noticed by officers of the Intelligence And Protection Agency(IAPA) are given the chance to join the unit. They work to protect national security and to protect the nation of Adra from unexpected threats as well as gather information on enemies.[/color][/center] [h1]Rules[/h1] 1. Be respectful to each other OOC. 2. Don't kill anyone unless they approve 3. You can curse, but please don't turn into Sailor Pete. 4. No godmodding. 5. Responses should be at least 3 sentences. No one liners. Especially no posts that are less than a sentence long. 6. No doing the dirty in here, please. 7. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. [h1]Character Sheet[/h1] Name: --- Age(12-19 if in SATU, any if not): --- gender: --- Rank(this determines what missions you will go on or job on specific missions; F to 1. F-E-D-C-B-A-S-1): --- Appearance(picture or use the below): How old they appear: Eye Color: Hair color length and style: Distinguishing marks(?)(dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): - Glasses or contacts or none?: Height: --- Favorites: Character’s favorite color: Least favorite, why?: Music?: Least favorite music, why?: Food: Literature: Expressions/Quotes: Expletives (curse word): Mode of transport: Hobbies: --- Family: --- Optimist or pessimist?: Drives and motives: Talents: Extremely skilled at: Extremely unskilled at: Good characteristics: Character flaws: Biggest regret: Minor regrets: Biggest accomplishment: Minor accomplishments: Darkest secret(?): Does anyone know?: How did they find out: [hider=In Progress Operations] The names you don't recognize are NPCs. [code] [/code] [/hider] [hider=Completed Operations] Special Mission: Rank S We have received information that suggests the rebel group Morrow has obtained the blueprints for a prototype superweapon we have constructed. Your mission is to recover and destroy those blueprints. Eliminate anyone who tries to stop you. - Rose Evans - Rhiannon McTavish - Ray Strider - Dan Luis [hr] Special Training Simulation Difficulty level: A This is a realistic training simulation for rank A and rank B agents. Any other operatives may feel free to observe or go about their business. This training mission involves capturing a thief who is trying to escape with top secret data and disarm the explosive he left to clean up his tracks. Both the bomb and the thief are guarded, so the goons will have to be taken out first. Operator (Gives the agents information when they ask for it) - Avary Muse The squad - Red Trainor - Brian Flint -Defuse the bomb - Marco Allen - Rei Stone - Emma Jones - Jayden Woods - Ren Shima [/hider]