Is this a little more suitable? [hider=Rusty] [Color=FF4500] Name: [/color] Geralt ‘Rusty’ Ramerkins [Color=FF4500] Color:[/color] Orangered | FF4500 [Color=FF4500] Age:[/color] 45 [Color=FF4500] Gender: [/color]Male [Color=FF4500] Description: [/color]Geralt Ramerkins is a large man. This sentence should be enough alone to describe him as once you have been in his presence for more than five moments you know exactly what is meant by it. He is physically a big man with years of decadence taking their toll on his once you and athletic body. He easily clears the 6-foot mark in terms of height and his clothes often look fit to bursting when he is squeezed into them (Some say by a small army off servants with a specially designed shoe horn for dinner jackets). His hair is also a spectacle as the tope of his head is almost entirely clear of hair. However, in a small ring running just above his ears, down the side burns and just over his upper lip is a ring of bright red hair. It juts out about 4 inches in a great flamboyant disk, from above it is said to be similar to a balding eclipse. This burning red facial monument gave birth to his nickname ‘Rusty’ which is used so often most forget he even has a first name. He garbs himself in finest silk suits for formal occasions with an immense cravat that cradles the many folds of his neck. For less formal meetings he puts on his hunting garb, he is wrapped in a cloak of soft white linen with fine patterns of gold thread running through. Over which he has a large sun-bleached leather coat the tails of which lead down to his ankles. It contains many tubes of ammunition as well as a distinctive array of handkerchiefs ranging from simple plain white to the most flamboyant polka dot. [Color=FF4500] Occupation: [/color]Aristocrat! Hunt Master! Devourer of banquets! Crack Arbalist! [Color=FF4500] Personality/Bio:[/color] ‘Rusty’ is large in all respects, bar his physically immense form he also has a disgustingly vast wealth almost entirely inherited from his farther who earned it through a boring string of property deals and sound investments. Rusty made it his life work to squander the fortune on anything and everything that his father missed out on due to ‘responsibility’. Including a house that is as large as it is recklessly dangerous in form and function. Hewn into the walls of the oasis is the Ramerkins estate. A needlessly tall structure that is also almost entirely hollow. This enormous hollow chamber is in fact open to the outside through large gates to allow the pack into the ‘theater’. Fortunately for the wider city there is no way for the beasts to advance further at ground level as the only other access to the room is the viewing platform 4 stories up from the pit where Rusty entertains his rich guests by launching crossbow bolts at the vicious beasts. This so called hunting is Rusty’s most passionate pass time and his main reason for venturing out into the desert is, “It’s bloody boring if the beggars cant bite back’, to put it in his own words. As one might expect years of launching crossbows while immensely drunk in the companies of other fine and upstanding gentlemen has made him surprisingly good at it sober. He is actually considered one of the best shots in the city. His enormous, ‘Wynderchester Gentlemans Hand Cannon’ can tear the leg of the member of the pack from 50 meters away. Some say the only reason he can fire it is because his fat absorbs all the recoil. On a day to day basis he is a jolly chap. Warm and accepting of almost everyone including crooks and commoners, in his own words; “My farther probably cheated you out of hundreds with his contracts! At least let me get the next round!”. This boisterous manner has lead to a certain disdain among more academics but surprising acceptance among the commons. [Color=FF4500] Possessions: [/color] ‘Wnderchester Gentlemans Handcannon’ crossbow, a large two handed beast of a weapon with a draw so heavy he breaks a sweat loading it (Though he breaks a sweat doing most things). A large bottle of brandy with a small note attached reading, ‘Best served with victory’. Several changes of linin robe, his hunting jacket and his dress uniform (Never know when you might need to entertain!). A distinct lack of an inside voice. [/hider]