60. The moon was shining in a clear night sky, the light from Luna herself pierced through the windows of the University. The Sage of Light was walking through the halls at this late hour with an old history book in his arms. Ostel was never much of a reader admittedly, but he had found that he had a recent interest in history, and not just about his people's history. In his hands was a book detailing the wars between the elves of Tellus and the humans of Lucerna. It was only when he heard a shattering sound nearby tthat shoke the Sage of Light from his immersion in the text, [b]"Damn, was just getting good to."[/b] He said shaking his head and closing the book as he went towards the sourse of the sound. As Ostel came closer though he heard laughter, a mocking laughter almost, and a very, VERY, annoyed animal growling. What animal could be out here late this night? And among the halls as well? The human Sage set the book down on a passing bench and started joggin down the hall. As he was only doneed in a scholar's riobe, he only had the Dawn bringer at his side, but the twohanded warhammer was all Ostel needed to confidently deal with any problems. And a problem Ostel did find as he rounded the corner and saw what was causing the ruckus. There in the hallway was a large white fox that was unmistakably Summer, and under her rather large paw was a demon, but that wasn't the worst of it. Summer's usually snow white fur was splattered with blood and four other demons were attacking her, frequently getting swatted away. When one of the Demons managed to sink there blade into her left shoulder, she let out a howl of pain and snapped her jaws around the Demon's arm, taking it clean off. When Summer saw Ostel there, she gave him a pleading look, it was obvious that all of them were too much for her. Little reason was needed for Ostel to fight demons, and Ostel readied the Dawnbringer as he quickly ran towards the closet demon to him. It was only when he brought down the light enchanted weapon upon the head of the demon that he bellowed a loud battle cry. The remaining demons turned from the surrounded great white fox and looked at the newcomer with eyes wide in anger. Ostel then roared aloud, [b]"Surrender! Now! Or The Sages of Light and Wind Will Tear your Worthless Hides Limb From Limb!"[/b] The human said as he stood as straight as he could to be more intimidating. The demons merely laughed and one of them responded in kind, [b]"Oh please! A bastard and a half-blood! I think we should do Divius the kindness and show you how weak you both are!"[/b] With that the speaker said something in his native tongue to the others, while he charged the Sage of Light with his wicked blade in hand. Perhaps Ostel should of stressed that he was not in the mood, but the demon had made his choice. The pale skinned humanoid tried to make feint him and strike him down in one swift motion. Ostel saw the attack coming though, as he was trained to fight demons. They never attacked from the front, only from an unexpected direction, and the Dawnbringer came up and slammed into the demon's chin. Putrid blood and broken teeth were sent spewing into the air as was the body of the now dead demon. The other two demons stopped as they saw their comrade's body flung between them, and a look of uncertainty flooded across their faces. Ostel then howled out again, [b]"Last Chance! Your Choice!"[/b] Ostel said as he advanced upon the pair of demons who stood between him and Summer, with his own growl echoing across the now silent chamber. Summer was now towering above the two demons, her hot breath causing their hair to ruffle slightly. Her eyes were shinning with anger as blood slid down her fur and onto the ground, the Demon she had had pinned under her paw was unmoving in a corner. [i]You may want to listen to him.[/i] Summer growled into their minds, [i]Because I was taught some new tricks, and his element will burn you from the inside out.[/i] The demons then looked on the giant fox with horror clear in their eyes, and the two remaining demons ran away leaving their fallen behind. Ostel grunted in disgust, [b]"Demons, you can always count on them to save their own hides."[/b] He then let the Dawnbringer fall to only his shield arm and he approached Summer carefully, stepping over the fallen bodies of the demons, [b]"Summer, what happened?"[/b] She just shrugged her shoulders before shifting back into her normal from, "I'm naked, can I borrow your cloak please?" she asked as she looked down at her currently bloodied form, [b]"And it was just some demons looking to get revenge on me for embarrassing him during lunch... I made him piss himself. Then again, he was being rude to Calixta..."[/b] The Sage of Light merely nodded and took off the upper part of the Scholar robes, leaving him in only a white undershirt. He placed the robe over over Summer's slim shoulders, covering her small frame, [b]"I understand, sorry I didn't get here sooner. Can you walk?"[/b] He asked with a concerned look. [b]"Yeah, I can walk, I'll just have to heal up when I go to my room. I've learned a healing spell with my wind that is pretty effective, so no need to worry. Oh! Have I told you about the classes I am taking?"[/b] she asked with a smile on her face. Ostel smiled and placed a firm hand on the back of Summer, "[b]You can tell me all about it as I walk you back to your room Summer."[/b] He said as they departed from the scene of the fight. As they walked, Summer seemed to be back to her normal, cheerful, self as she told him about the Martial Arts class and Pole Arm classes she was taking. [b]"I figured it would be good for me to be able to fight with and without my staff. I'm still trying to get the hang of fighting as an animal though, its harder than I thought."[/b] Her fellow Sage only smiled and and replied, [b]"I can't even begin to imagine how that feels. Must be quite liberating for you Summer."[/b] he then stopped in the middle of the hallway and just smiled at the Sage of Wind for a brief moment, not saying anything, but just smiling warmly at her. Summer frowned as she peered at the Light Sage's face, [b]"What is it Ostel? What is it that seems to weigh so heavily on your mind?"[/b] The human merely shook his head and said, [b]"I'm just astounded by how far you have come. And frankly, I'm proud of you. I can tell that given time, you will need me anymore."[/b] he said nodding his head. Then his smile went away and his eyes drifted a bit to the ground,as if remembering something, [b]"You are full of it, I can't see a single day where I wouldn't need my closest friend. It doesn't matter how strong I become, or even how strong you become... you saved me from certain death when no one else would. You are the kindest soul I have ever known and I will always look to you for help and guidance."[/b] Ostel's smile returned and even a small chuckle came from his lips, [b]"It's kind of you to say Summer. Truly it is, and I try to remind myself of that. I just wonder if you will look at me the same once we go through my door. You may not like what you see ... but I guess we'll face that day when it comes right?"[/b] He said jokingly as he began walking down the hall again with a boyish grin. [b]"I don't think there will ever be a day that I wouldn't like you, we all have things we are not proud of, but that doesn't mean we should think less of those who share with us those secrets. When the time comes, I know you will make the right choice, and it will be the choice YOU think is right. It is you who has to live with it, not us, and I think more people could stand to learn that lesson. We should never allow people to define you, no matter what actions you take, only you can do that... or something like that. I'm not very good with these whole philosophical quotes."[/b] The Elf-Shifter offered Ostel a half smile. As Summer's entrance way came into view Ostel nodded his head and replied, [b]"It is not the blood that makes a person noble, but the deeds and acts."[/b] He then laughed a bit, [b]"Sorry, something my father once said. Seemed like along the lines of what you meant, then again like you I am not much one for that kind of thinking."[/b] They stopped outside her and Damien's entryway, but then Ostel said, [b]"I asked Damien about you by the way. He cares for you a great deal."[/b] He said with a certain sadness in his blue eyes that his smile did a poor job of covering up. Summer tilted her head to the side, clearly confused, but also worried about the look he had in his eyes. [b]"Ostel... please... you are hiding something from me. What is ailing you? I don't like seeing you so upset, it is so unlike you to seem so sad."[/b] Again Ostel chuckled a bit, and with his right thumb he cleared a bit of mist from his eyes, [b]"Heh, sorry Summer, somethings are worth getting a bit upset over."[/b] he then waved a hand in front of him, [b]"I promise I'll be fine. I am just going to say that what Damien and you are starting to have, well it's something I entertained the possibility of having."[/b] He said with a half-smile. Before a breath had past over though he said, [b]"After what happened back in Lucerna though, I told myself that I would not force anything upon you. You need to make your own choices, and bear the consequences of those decisions."[/b] He then placed his firm hands on her shoulders, [b]"Thankfully for you, my dear Summer, I am a consequence that is able to move on. But I wanted you to know that at least ... and to not worry about me ... please?"[/b] He asked with a impish grin. To Ostel's surprise, Summer threw her arms around the Sage's neck in a tight hug, her face hidden in his neck. [b]"Ostel, you have no idea how happy you have made me," she said softly after kissing him lightly on the cheek, "You have given me the chance to truly live and for that I am eternally greatful. I am sure that some day soon you will find someone for you, and when that time comes please, do not push it off. Do not think yourself undeserving and do not... do not wait until it is too late. You deserve to be happy much more than most people I have met through my stay here. Smile more, be happy... and please... please don't ever hesitate to talk to me about anything. You are a dear friend... and dare I say like the brother that I doubt I've ever had. I will not lie and say that I never had feelings for you, for that would not be the truth. But I was also still in the mentality that I was little better than a slave... thank you for showing me that was not true."[/b] Indeed Ostel was stunned as Summer professed all of this as her delicate body nestled into his broad frame, but he could only wrap his arms around her waist and return the embrace in a bit of a bear hug, [b]"Thank You for understanding Summer, and I appreciate the offer of help."[/b] The human then rubbed the back of the Shifter's head and stood there in the embrace for a bit before he and her parted with their hands in each other's palms. The Sage of Light then brought her hands together and kissed the back of Summer's palms before letting go. The Grimward bastard then bowed his head to the former slave, [b]"Milady Sage, I wish you fond dreams. And all the happiness in the world."[/b] He said with a beaming smile as he looked on with pride at his fellow Sage. Summer smiled happily as she looked at Ostel, [b]"And you as well Sir, I am sure that your happiness is just around the corner, you just need to know where to look."[/b] She bowed swiftly before opening her door, handing Ostel his cloak back just before running up the stairs to her room. The human merely laughed as he put his robe back on, picturing the naked Summer in his mind, [b]"Still a sight to see ... lucky Damien."[/b] As Ostel straightened out his attire his coughed a bit, [b]"Well Ostel ole bud, you have turned down a nypmh, and lost a chance to be with one of the hottest damned elves this side of the planet .... man I am glad I think I am doing the right thing. Otherwise the amount of hell I would get from my brother Peter would be unbearable! Gods be damned! I'd have to kill the bugger."[/b] He said as he walked back down the hall to find the history book he was reading earlier.