[color=ed1c24][b]"So, grandfather has the Judge-Sal, huh?"[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, a laugh coming from his mouth. He probably should be surpirsed that Hamut had Exodus, but he really wasn't. Growing up in Archadia and how he perceived his grandfather to me, it made sense that he would be granted the Judge-Sal Esper. What was the shocker for Jaakuna was the fact that Michelangelo, the son of the Golden Wolf of Archadia's Imperial Court, had an Esper. Jaakuna hadn't remembered Michel to be any more than Savayna's lapdog, but then again, there were a lot of things that Jaakuna didn't know about certain people he was confident didn't have things to hide. [color=ed1c24][b]"So, I guess that only leaves Famfrit, but something isn't adding up,"[/b][/color] Jaakuna admitted, looking at Emiri with uncertain eyes. He just couldn't place it. There was something that wasn't fitting. [color=ed1c24][b]"I know I may sound like a crazy person, but I just know that something isn't right with that scenario."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, suddenly hearing the whispers of Belias, [color=ed1c24][b]"even my esper agrees. He couldn't tell exactly, but he agrees with me that Lola and Famfrit doesn't fit. Then again, Belias tells me that Famfrit is the shy one of the Scions of Darkness, so maybe he's scared of Lola like a lot of people are."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, trying to determine exactly what didn't add up. [color=ed1c24][b]"What about yours? Since Aloa quelled your psycho-killer rage, has Chaos tried reaching out to you?"[/b][/color] Jaakuna really hated asking about Chaos. The very thought of him interfering with Emiri again was enough to set him into a blazing fit of rage. [hr] Though he dropped quite the bombshell on Nadeline, Wesley hadn't expected that, she of all people, would be deathly silent. It was true that, before the events that happened at Giruvegan and Stigma, Wesley hadn't, even for one second, considered that he would return home for good until the dangers of Zodiark were purged from Ivalice. However, due to the possibility, no matter how minimal, of war coming to his homeland, it changed his perspective of a lot of things, namely playing adventurer with the others. Looking at her, listening to her words carefully, and choosing his own as such, Wesley took a deep breath. [color=fff79a][b]"Trust me, if the circumstances were different, or if my home of Dalmasca wasn't going to potentially be caught in the cross-hairs of the war that's brewing, I wouldn't even consider this."[/b][/color] Wesley told Nadeline, his hands on hers, eyes looking at hers, [color=fff79a][b]"but just as I know if the roles were reversed and Stigma—as well as the entire country of Rozarria—were caught in the cross-hairs of war between the neighboring countries, I know you would stay here despite the wanting of adventure with me and the others."[/b][/color] Wesley said, knowing what he said to be true, and he was sure that Nadeline knew that as well. [color=fff79a][b]"This is why I have to return to Dalmasca. This is why, despite my personal feelings, and my preference to stay with you, to stay with the others aboard the Ifrit, I have to go back, and become the King my country hasn't had since my father passed."[/b][/color] Wesley, though he didn't mean to, said in a louder voice than his usual tone. It seemed to be laced with a kind of desperateness that was closely connected to his love for his people, but also it seemed to have a underlying tone of regret and confliction that was tied to his love for his friends that he made and the love for Nadeline. [hr] Savayna grunted in annoyance. [color=lightblue][b]"You can never just take a win modestly, can you?"[/b][/color] she sighed again, half-smiling at Grant. Despite his obvious arrogance that he had most of the time and that often unnecessary sarcastic comment he would make, Savayna couldn't deny those were traits of his that she found kind of attractive—well, in a anger-inducing kind of way. Despite that, she knew it came from a good place, even if you would have to dig really, really, [i]really[/i] deep to find the true meaning of what he was saying. Maybe that was why they somehow got along. When she wasn't feeling so down about herself, Savayna had the same arrogance, the same sarcasm in her voice, the same logical mind. Actually, the more she thought about it, she and Grant had a lot of similarities, more so than she and Jackson had. Which begged the question.. [color=lightblue][b]"Say Grant," [/b][/color]Savayna said, rubbing her left arm with her other as it was crossed, eyes half-darting away from Grant's own, [color=lightblue][b]"something's been on my mind since Giruvegan."[/b][/color] she said, same posture of arm-rubbing-arm, same head half-turned away from Grant. [color=lightblue][b]"When we were going through The Great Crystal, and the subject came up about Nadeline and Wesley getting married and Jackson and Emiri getting married, what about us?"[/b][/color] she asked, her cheeks already starting to get red. And of course they would. She pretty much asked him about their future and them getting married.