Story arc 1 Chapter 2 "psst" You wake up, somewhat tender from all the kicking and punching and tossing around yesterday. You fumble around the dark storage deck on the ship trying to locate where the sound comes from. -"Over here!" You hear a girls whispering voice, couldn't be much older than you. You realize that your ties and your gag are not there. Someone must have untied you while you were sleeping. -"Who's there?" You ask straight out in the darkness. Suddenly you feel yourself being pulled to the floor by a firm hand. -"Shh! Don't make a sound Jane." It's Marco who is whispering to you. -"Marco! What is happening?" You feel glad knowing you have someone to trust around you.* -"Someone is coming down. Make sure to hide." It's that girls voice again. A loud thud followed by some foreign language, probably curses, could be heard from the other side of the room. When you twirl around to look you see a unwashed older man with a crooked back and a lantern in his hand. He walks slowly looking around for something. -"Now girls, don't be shy. It just gets so lonely up there on deck so I wondered if anyone of you sweet ladies wanted to keep me company?" The crooked mans rasping voice sends chills down your spine.** -"Quickly Jane! Get somewhere to hide." Marco urges you and he sneaks away somewhere. *** *Happiness +1 **Mood changed: Uneasy *** A). Sneak to the left. B). Sneak to the right. C). Sneak back. D). Confront the man and offer him some company. [Hider=CS]Nymeria Heroica - 14 Years old Difficulty: Hard Items 2 Lassi & 420 Shants Physical Abilities Strength: 6 Agility: 13 Stamina: 12 Fighting skill: 3 Social Abilities Persuasion: 4 Negotiate: 3 Charisma: 6 Social manners: 12 intellectual Abilities Education: 10 Diplomatics: 2 Language: 2 Trade: 2 Royal: 3 Personality Alignment: +2 Temper: +5 Hapiness: -10 Selfishness: -1 Mood: Uneasy[/Hider]