[hr][center][h1][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Cassandra%20Hope&name=learningcurve_tt.ttf&size=60&style_color=88cdcb[/img][/h1] [img]http://d2tq98mqfjyz2l.cloudfront.net/image_cache/1386531653233335.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] Apartment 3C >> The Mighty Bean [b]Interacting With:[/b] Claire in person; Tas via text[@Lady Amalthea] [b]Date:[/b] April 25th[/center] [hr] The morning had started off well. Cass had woken up before her alarm could start beeping at her from across the room, she’d had the most amazing stretch and was listening to music while she took her morning shower. She’d actually been able to decide what to wear today without too much debate. Her biking gear was hung up on the front of her wardrobe door as she stepped out of the shower in a cloud of steam. She blasted her hair dry, brushing it through and giving it a spray with various products to keep its natural wave in place. Time to get her gear on now. She glanced over to her travel case which had been packed the night before with all of her essentials for the trip to Disneyland that Claire had invited her along to. It was really nice of her and Cass planned on using the trip to get to know everyone a little better, at least as much as she could handle. Her phone buzzed a couple of times on her desk but she ignored it for now and got herself dressed. She slipped into her black leather trousers, black ankle-high biker boots and a white, rolled sleeve tank with Pink Floyd – The Wall across the front of it. The bottom of her shirt was frayed but it was deliberate, more than well worn. She grabbed a few thick wooden bracelets for her left arm, her karma beads for her right, a silver thumb ring for her right thumb and her grandmother’s wedding band which she slipped onto her left middle finger. A floral choker and Celtic cross pendant later and she was ready to face the day. Wandering over to her desk, Cass grabbed her phone and raised an eyebrow at the first message. [center][color=a187be][b]From The Brew Crew:[/b] Back, at the Mighty Bean. We're leaving for Disneyland today right? Who's riding with me?[/color][/center] It was Tas. Well Claire was bound to be relieved now, maybe the trip was going to turn out alright after all. Cass had only had a small amount of interaction with Tas since she’d moved into 3C. They had exchanged numbers, Tas letting Cass know that she could contact her in a medical emergency, and that had been it. Tas was an Intern at UCSF Medical Center, that much she knew, but beyond what little Claire had shared about her Cass wasn’t too aware of what kind of person that Tas really was. She seemed hard on the outside, softer on the inside. Pretty much how Cass saw herself these days. Cass then looked through the remaining messages. She didn’t really know the other numbers so she decided not to send a mass reply out. She only really needed to contact Tas right now, she’d see everyone else in The Mighty Bean in a matter of minutes anyway once she left. It was funny seeing someone calling “dibs” on another person though, another reason not to respond. Cass shook her head and huffed in amusement at it all. [center][color=88cdcb][b]To Tas:[/b] Welcome back! Glad you’re home safe. I’m taking my bike, but would you mind taking my case in the boot of your car please? I was going to ask someone else but since I know you, I don’t feel quite as awkward asking for this kind of favour. I’ll owe you one? Cheers either way.[/color][/center] Cass slid her phone into her back pocket and grabbed her grey canvas messenger bag from beside her bedroom door and unhooked her blue biker jacket from the coat rack. She sorted herself and made her way into the hallway of the apartment. [color=88cdcb]“EDDY! If’n yer still ‘round, that’s me headin’ down The Bean! See ye there hopefully.”[/color] Cass knew that Tas was at The Bean and she pretty much figured that Claire was off training at the gym as usual, she figured it’d be nice to at least acknowledge Eddy if he were still here. She could quite easily be talking to herself right now, she knew that but figured screw it, she wanted to be on good terms with all her roomies while she was still fresh off the boat. Claire had shared her thoughts on Eddy more than once and, as much of a dickhead as he sounded, she reserved her judgement for now. She hadn’t even seen him in her two weeks here, but that was granted considering she’d barely left her room for more than two minutes and even that was just to go to her bartending gig in the centre. Cass made her way to the front door before realising she had forgotten to grab her case. She ran back, grabbed it and finally made her way out of 3C, her earphones being slid in and the music blaring. [hr] Cass was bobbing her head along to the music and did a couple little shuffle steps while dragging her suitcase behind her. She was pumped for this trip! She’d never been to Disneyland before and was super excited to try and make some friends here. A wide grin was plastered on her face as she crossed the street. She wandered inside and was greeted with a very confusing sight. Claire was sprawled on the floor, blood trickling down the corner of her mouth and everyone seemed to be just standing around as if some tornado had just came through and smacked Claire around for shits and giggles. [color=88cdcb]”Claire. The hell happened? Where’s Tas? I got ‘er text ‘nd figured she’d be here.”[/color] Cass stooped down and offered a hand to help her up off of the floor. [color=88cdcb]”Someone get some ice or somethin’ for cryin’ out loud. Y’alright?”[/color] The worry was clearly etched on Cass’s face and she really hoped that she wasn’t getting in Claire’s face right now. Hopefully nothing too bad had happened… [hr]