[center][h3][color=edb25b]JOE VERONA[/color], [color=lightsteelblue]PERCY MOORE[/color], ALEXANDER SKY[/h3][b]MESS HALL, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] [hr] "If you can afford a grave marker of red sandstone, then be my guest," Alex dared to smile in that moment, "Don't worry; I know how to pilot an NC just fine." Alexander responded to Jan, sighing in relief that the man didn't seem to have an automatic hate-on for Red-Star personnel. Alex's eyes danced all over Jan's person - dark blonde hair, dark eyes, and a tan, firmly set, almost [i]sculptured[/i] face and body; Jan seemed like a fine person, at least physically. Personality wise? Alex still wasn't confident in saying. He was [i]definitely[/i] attractive, though. He wouldn't mind doing a little something-something with Jan, if that was ever an option. The young pilot got his head out of his fantasies then introduced himself, voice still soft: "Alexander Sky; a shitty no-name pilot compared to you," he joked, "Glad to meet you." [color=edb25b]"Verona, Joe Verona. Pilot of the Swarm, Unit 01."[/color] Joe interrupted the dialogue between the two in order to introduce himself as Graham requested. The brainiac was bowing slightly instead of saluting - military salutes were a meaningless symbol. Frankly, he found introductions like these weren't even necessary; one could not tell the character of a person just by their name. It was a culmination of many things: personality, how they show themselves, how they are around friends, family, how they act alone.. so many variables that just can't be summed up with the simple utterance of a name. Verona eyed Graham a bit before continuing, figuring he knew just what was on his commander's mind. [color=edb25b]"I'd rather not talk about why I am here this early. Anything you should know should be in my dossier."[/color] Percy looked over to Verona curiously. He didn't think too much on his thoughts though, because soon Ana had jumped up from the table to introduce herself to these new people. [color=violet]"Hi there!"[/color] The young girl grinned at the new faces in front of her for a moment before she felt Percy gently pull on her arm to get her to sit back down. The pair exchanged looks; Percy looking like Ana just [i]killed[/i] someone, Ana having no idea what she did wrong before the adult cleared his throat. [color=lightsteelblue]"Sorry, commander, sir,"[/color] the redhead mumbled, looking over the new faces. He definitely recognized one - Jingo Strange - and gave him a little nod before he spoke to the group in front of him, trying to calm his voice, [color=lightsteelblue]"I'm Percy. This is my daughter, Ana—"[/color] Ana smiled again in that moment, giving a cute wave to the new faces. [color=lightsteelblue]"—she's not a pilot, obviously,"[/color] Percy actually hazarded a laugh at that point, like joking about a child in that situation was even laughable. [color=lightsteelblue][i]That definitely was [b]not[/b] funny, what the hell is wrong with me?[/i][/color] He allowed himself to breathe at that point, noticing how hot his face felt. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Just breathe.[/i][/color] Alexander waved back at Ana, before walking over to where Percy, Joe and the little girl were. He then smiled, introducing himself again, a bit louder for those that didn't hear previously. "My name is Alexander Sky, but you can call me Alex, or Sky." He then looked to Percy, his gaze never lingering in one place for too long. The redhead was very pleasant for Alex to look at. His eyes were pleasantly spaced apart and had the color of rainclouds, his face was adorned with freckles that weren't too dark or too light on his face, as well as stubble that offset any femininity Percy had in his facial region. Alex usually never liked stubble, but for this man, it made him appear older. He looked like he had more experienced with life in general. Jan might've been attractive, but Percy was [i]absolutely[/i] boyfriend material. Then Percy coughed softly, breaking the few moments of silence and throwing Sky off his lovely train of thought. "I can see where your daughter gets her looks from; you're [i]very [/i]handsome," Alex smiled as he spoke, "You've also raised her to be happy, which shows, well, a kind and caring nature," the twenty-four year old's eyes were glistening with happiness, the smile on his face eager. Percy wasn't sure how to take the compliments. At [i]all[/i]. He just nodded a little bit, looking over Alex - especially his smile. It creeped Percy the hell out. He smiled politely, nodding again, [color=lightsteelblue]"Thanks?"[/color] his tone was more questioning than saying it. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Is this guy seriously coming onto me?[/i][/color] The discomfort on his face was fairly obvious, but he kept smiling, hoping it hid the awkwardness. Alexander then glanced over Joe; finding him relatively short, pale, and underweight... but with a small, thin face and pinkish lips, as well as short-cropped hair, he found him mildly appealing. Jan was Hot with a capital H, Percy was someone he'd want to spend his life with, but Mr. Verona wasn't that bad if his gaze lingered for more than a few seconds. "Mr. Verona," the former Red-Star pilot continued, "you seem to not like talking with people, if you don't mind me saying. Will you be okay working with people you don't know, then?" Joe Verona looked at Alexander after hearing his name, he spoke bluntly and to the point: [color=edb25b]"When I work with people, I get to know them."[/color] "A good answer, Joe," Alexander replied. "Well, I look forward to working with you, then." Alex then turned his attention to the freckle-faced redheaded Percy, laughing softly before speaking, "I can be a bit too forward sometimes. Sorry, Mr. Percy." Alexander gave a slight bow, bobbing his head a little, looking adorable as he did so. "My compliments still stand, though." An audible sigh left Commander Graham as he shook his head, his patience being obviously tested. [color=olive]“If you two want to fraternize there will time for it when you aren’t on my damn schedule.” [/color]