Famfrit and Lola, huh? Emiri had to agree with Jaakuna there, as she didn't feel like they would make a good match. Wait, how would she guess that anyway? She would halt that train of thought as Jaakuna would inquire about Chaos. It had been some time--no, she hadn't heard from Chaos since she and Grant went to the Dalmascan Estersands. Ever since then, the Esper hadn't uttered a single word. She remembered trying to reach him recently, but even now, he would not heed her. He was definitely around, that much she could tell, but he was silent. "[b][color=f6989d]No.[/color][/b]" Emiri admitted. "[b][color=f6989d]Though I can't say it's a loss.[/color][/b]" [hr] As Wesley would speak, he would actually remind her of herself. Her duty to her country would always come before anything, so there was absolutely no arguing against it. Wesley made sure to look right at her, as if demanding her attention, and Nadeline was somewhat at a loss. If only she knew she could stop Reia...and yet, at the end of it all, Wesley really would return to Dalmasca after all. Why did it seem so surreal? She hadn't denied it. Perhaps she had gotten attached to their little group, their travels, getting to see the world. The thought of having to stay behind was...difficult, to say the least. No, that was a lie. The thought of having to leave Wesley behind was what was truly difficult. Letting out a small sigh, Nadeline would look at Wesley's hands holding hers. "[b][color=fdc68a]I understand. It must be done.[/color][/b]" She would agree. "[b][color=fdc68a]Though I do wonder what the group will do without us.[/color][/b]" [hr] Grant was not modest nor was he one usually celebrate his victories. No, he was humble, but when he was right he was right as always. He had to admit, though, Savayna of all people admitting he was right was just too sweet to savor. She was dominant, he rather subservient, so to see her concede was...a treat. Still, he truly was confident in their group, though Savayna would take a change of topic. He almost wanted to bask in his victory some more, but would perish the thought; his humble mother would be pretty disappointed. Savayna would bring up the subject of, once again, Giruvegan. Grant could already feel the migraine of the crystal maze coming, until she would bring up the rest of the group. Back when Nadeline would announce that she and Wesley would wed, to be more precise. She asked about them. Grant didn't quite understand the question, even as her face would redden. "[b][color=92278f]What, are you asking if we will marry?[/color][/b]" He asked, his tone completely oblivious to the connotation, though he would recall his little daydream from before. "[b][color=92278f]Big weddings just never seemed too genuine, though with my status I have little choice. Hmm...we could get married in private first, before the public ceremony? I would like something on the beach. Something small, with a few friends and family.[/color][/b]" His voice became light as he would imagine it, a small smile on his face.