"Good morning!" A female voice chirped, only to be muted by a dishevled woman. "Shut it." Sentinel growled, pulling at her aching limbs. Sleeping in that hidden alcove was rough on her back, but at least it was safe. [i]Stupid AI, can't even tell the difference between day and night.[/i] It wouldn't even be telling her it was morning if she had bothered to change the alarm settings but it didn't matter all to much. The lack of light easily gave away the evidence of night. The alcove gave her just enough room to stand without being seen and plenty of porous stone to scope potential targets through. Inwardly she chuckled, wondering if anybody else had thought of this idea.It was smart and profitable to stay hidden in a hard to reach place with fortification and not common knowing of. Hiding in a low-level dungeon in a high up alcove was probably the brightest idea she'd had since investing time to cooking skills so she wouldn't have to go into town so much. Sleeping in a taken house was just asking for trouble, on the ground one was vunerable to random PVPs and being in the trees any later than nine in the morning meant free target practice for anybody who wanted a shot. There was a small pooling of water in the deepest part of the alcove, tinged with a metallic taste but otherwise clean. She stretched within the confines of the alcove, peeping through one of the bigger holes to see if any late comers had shown up to farm the weaker enemies. She wouldn't make them targets, they were definitely to well armed for her regular rounds. She'd get them later if they still remained, when they were more tired and defenseless. She opened the HUD , sifting through her inventory. She'd collected 5,000 pieces of gold so far from her targets and some intermittent farming. [i] Not bad, maybe I'll be able to by some incindiary rounds soon...[/i] Placing her rifle on her back, she looked out, noticing that the party had already past into the deeper parts of the dungeon, she jumped the few feet to the ground, landing softly on the dirt floor. She left as quickly as she could, making sure noone saw her or could initiate a PVP. It wasn't as easy for her to sneak around, as say, a rogue class player, but she did it well enough. Her trip was quiet, illuminated by the bright stars overhead that glimmered in the streams she passed through. Shaking out her hair she approached the town from the back, scaling on of the ladders to access the rooftops. Hopping across rooftops wasn't all that difficult, as the buildings were evenly spaced with only small walkways inbetween. The few people that walked the streets were tired, beligerent with drunkeness, or both. She snorted softly. Why would one drink in such a dangerous place as this? She'd rather have her wits about her than be prone because of personal troubles. Hopping down from a nearby awning, she walked into the bar. [i] If it wasn't for this place, I'd have no reason to leave the wilderness. I am certainly...thankful for the respite it gives.[/i] Looking around, there was the usual crowd, a few newbies scattered here and there. The noise assulted her ears, the sheer volume almost as deafening as when she shot her rifle without proper ear protection. "Oh man, you should have seen us last night! Eight hordes in a row and barely a hit point scratched!" A heavily armored knight shouted, raising his drink and gripping his companion, a mage, tightly. The mage seemed to growl something under his breath, staring darkly at the knight. "I can't belive he's gone..." Sobbed a scantily clad warrior girl, her head in her hands. Her comrades tried to comfort her to no avail. Straightening her tatical gear before sitting down, she placed her beloved rifle back into her inventory, quietly sighing. A woman walked up to her, smiling cheerily and handing over a menu. " Hello miss! What would you like to order today?" Scanning the menu, placed it down after only seconds of reading. "Tea. Also the chicken, with as side of bread." She said bluntly, forking over the menu as well as 500 pieces of gold. She sighed again, silently. She really wanted to have at least some variety today. She could pick up her usual routine of lizard and snake tomorrow.