[h2][b][center][color=B0C4DE]Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson[/color][/center][/b][/h2] Brian flew up in the sky at the request of Grant. He saw Drifter looking around for the culprit and he began looking in the other direction. He kept looking for any one suspicious in the area, a masked man, a hooded vigilante, a man in a tunic (everyone knows guys in tunics are evil). But came up short, there were some kids on the roofs of the buildings looking at the battle taking place, but only like 2 or 3. [color=B0C4DE]"Hey G man I am not seeing-"[/color] A loud explosion cut him off, the blow back from the air pushed him back but he regained his balance in the air. Visi-Play jumped into action first going head first into the smoke to look for survivors, and Brian waited a minute to see if he could spot any statues lurking around but none appeared so he went in too. He landed next to a body and started to look for survivors. There were a lot of dead bodies and a lot of injured people. [color=B0C4DE]"Gyro to team, there are a lot of dead but some injured are still laying around, I can get 4 or 5 out at a time but I could use some help getting the rest. Plus there is likely to be another explosion, because of the gas so we need some kind of game plan. Gyro out."[/color] He started to pull some people who were still living out and off to the side. Each one had some kind of bad wound, whether it be a missing limb, burn wounds, broken bones, there was not limit to the pain caused. After the first six he found, Brian created a blue gravitation field in the shape of a sphere. and every thing caught in it became practically weight less, with him at the center. Brian flew off with the people along side him, floating inside of the sphere in a clockwise motion. The groaning and moaning of pain bothered Brian, he wished that he could do more for these people. He landed next to the ambulance and handed the people over to the paramedics. He looked back at the growing flames, and then at his team. He flew back up and glided back down next to Grant, and floated next to him. [color=B0C4DE]"What do we do its getting worse?"[/color] [@King Tai][@FunnyGuy][@POOHEAD189][@Blop][@RumikoOhara]