[hider=Naahdira Saaba] [center][h3][color=Khaki]Name[/color][/h3] Naahdira Saaba [color=Khaki][h3]Color[/h3][/color] [color=Khaki]color=Khaki[/color] [color=Khaki][h3]Age[/h3][/color] 32 [color=Khaki][h3]Gender[/h3][/color] Female. [color=Khaki][h3]Description[/h3][/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/ca/5c/8dca5c0f518b936bb548512b6bf013bc.jpg[/img] Standing at an Amazon-esque 6 foot, the tall, dark-skinned woman has been described as classically beautiful many times, like one of the goddesses the tribes had worshiped before Oasis. With hazel eyes, and long black hair pulled into a ponytail of dreadlocks, her face is usually utterly serene, almost disturbingly so. [color=Khaki][h3]Occupation[/h3][/color] Game Hunter, Mercenary, and Bounty Hunter. Naahdira has been many things. All of them related to death. [color=Khaki][h3]Personality/Bio[/h3][/color] Naahdira came into the desert to die. This quiet, reserved woman, whom you wouldn't expect of having a regret in the world, whom you only ever see the professional, calm side of, joined the expedition to throw herself off of the legendary Chasm, or if they didn't make it that far, die on the way. You see, Naahdira has a troubled past. And it is not that others have not taken up her professions, those of death and violence. No, there are plenty of mercenaries, assassins, and thugs. However, there were none so proficient in the art of death as Naahdira, for she was the fabled Wraith of the Sands, the assassin able to strike any target, anywhere. However, she was not always like this. Once, she was a carefree girl, a hunter with the spear and bow, who lived with her elder sister, an example to all little girls everywhere. That was until her sister was trampled by The Pack, leaving a small, lonely girl to fend for herself. For a while, she made a living by hunting, however, without her sister to watch out for her, she was almost always cheated out of the full price of whatever she brought back. It was not enough, and she was plunged into life on the streets as a thug-for-hire, beating anyone whom she was hired to beat. However, with the money from thuggery, she was able to buy proper gear, and buy her license as a proper mercenary. After a few successful years as a mercenary, as her fame grew, she was approached by a member of the mysterious Black Scarab assassin's guild. Joining the guild as an assassin of people she thought deserved her judgement, she quickly fell. She was the Wraith of the Sands, and she exterminated anyone and everyone. See, once you get a taste of the kind of coin that lifestyle brings, you can't let it go. So began the nine-year reign of terror among the Oasis underground of the Wraith, until one day a mysterious contract came to her. Eliminate the rest of the Black Scarab. By this point, guilt was beginning to gnaw at her, so she accepted. In one night, the bloody Night of Dust, Naahdira murdered all twenty-four of her former compatriots, and got paid. However, the absolution she sought was not found in the death of her former friends, even if they were assassins. Wracked with guilt, Naahdira gave all of her money away to the poor and orphaned of Oasis, and volunteered for the expedition. Hopefully, she could escape the guilt, and the voices that crept into her mind at the still times in the night. [color=Khaki][h3]Possessions[/h3][/color] -A single tooth from a Pack beast on a leather strap. Naahdira's only token of her sister. -Enough food and water for a week's journey, without relying on the caravan's supplies. -A wooden longbow with a quite incredible draw length, and forty arrows inside a sealed quiver. -Four bronze javelins. -Light leather armor which allows for freedom of movement, and reduces the risk of heatstroke. -A bronze saber, meant as a last resort. [/center] [/hider]