Ssarak Dyreackthanose- Catacombs --- Ssarak did not waste any time as he saw Khan approaching. When he had sent his doppelganger to Khan as a messenger, he could not change the message it delivered after it moved too far away, and it had warned that Tyrael was a possible danger. He had recognized that there was a possibility that they could talk Tyrael down, which would still leave Khan expecting a fight. But, at the time, Ssarak had felt that would be a preferable problem to face than to be forced to face down Tyrael with no help in sight. At the very least, Ssarak had thought about what he was going to say and reacted quickly to defuse the situation before any problems started. Before Tyrael had even had a chance to speak, Ssarak had already sent a telepathic message to Khan: [i] [color=f7941d]”We managed to talk him down. He saw reason once we all spoke up. The danger has passed, or at least the danger from Tyrael. A master Vitamancer also attacked us, and may still be in the area. I can explain everything I witnessed regarding Tyrael, but I can understand that you may not wish to discuss it in the presence of the Naga. They are survivors from Mesa Gaan, and both they, and some of the students, received injuries from the ridge hounds we were fighting. Fortunately, Tyrael did not actually harm any of us.”[/color] [/i] Since the headmaster possessed powerful wards that Ssarak would not even attempt to break, for multiple reasons, he could not read into Khan’s mind for any response that the headmaster might have unless he specifically allowed Ssarak into his mind. Regardless, as long as he could deliver his message, the situation could hopefully resolve peacefully.