[center][color=purple][b]Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams[/b][/color][/center] Naomi continued to help people escape the area, when she felt the ground beneath her feet tremble with the force of an explosion. Getting the last person near her to a safer location, Naomi teleported near the explosion site. The teleportation caused more pain to her broken ribs, and she could taste blood in the back of her mouth. Gritting her teeth against the pain Naomi focused on checking nearby bodies for signs of life. She noticed she wasn't the only one of her team doing this, and watched as her teammate rescued the res t of the living people. Sighing, Naomi turned to leave the area as the flames grew higher and hotter. She knew she only had one more teleportation in her before her body would shut down from prolonged exhaustion and pain. [color=a187be]"Sorry, Black Cheshire down. Heading to HQ, immediate medical attention needed."[/color] Naomi sent through her commlink to her teammates and to headquarters. Then, taking a deep breath she teleported as close to the medical wing in HQ as she could. She screamed as she rematerialized there, and collapsed to the ground holding her side. Definitely a punctured organ now.