Emiri stared at Jaakuna for a while, though she would end up in agreement with him, shuffling under the covers as she would let out a sigh. Despite his dismissal, it did make her somewhat curious. She would reach out to Chaos once more, though once again, she would receive nothing. No snide comment, no calling her his Scion, nothing. Was it really such a bad thing? Or should she be worried? Her powers seemed to work without him being around, so she had reason to guess that maybe, for now, he was just ignoring her. Putting that thought to bed, Emiri looked at Jaakuna once more. "[b][color=f6989d]You'll stay here with me, right?[/color][/b]" Came out her muffled question as she would bring the blankets over her mouth. [hr] Wesley reiterated his point. Nadeline would raise an eyebrow at him. If she had to be honest, he really was right in every way. But... "[b][color=fdc68a]What sort of Queen would I be if I were to abandon my King in his time of need?[/color][/b]" She chided him, wagging a finger at him. "[b][color=fdc68a]If anything, I must go. How else will you tell your sister of our engagement? My future kingdom of Dalmasca should recognize its future Queen as well, don't you think?[/color][/b]" She reminded him with a rather telling tone. "[b][color=fdc68a]My father, my mother, Aloa, Grant...they don't need me as much as you will. Rozarria may be in turmoil, but I believe in Grant. Before we depart I will do my best to make a quick case, I am sure he will listen.[/color][/b]" She would tell him in earnest, fixing her nightgown so that it was more appropriate, though she would pause as she would reach up to her hair. "[b][/b]" She stated as she would tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "[b][color=fdc68a]I should be offended that you don't want me to go with you.[/color][/b]" [hr] Grant looked at Savayna, a rather bewildered expression on his face. Why was she laughing? He scowled at her, unpleased that his girlfriend thought his wedding plans were funny. No way he was going to admit it stung a little too. When she would bring up her father, Grant's eyebrows were raised. "[b][color=92278f]Hmm...if I were to, where would I find him, exactly?[/color][/b]" He asked, crossing his arms.