[center][h1][color=lightcoral]Ritheon the dragon[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/1705/1705644-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 20 Height: 6'4 Weight: 128 Allegiance: neutral. History: Will be discovered in RP. Personality: layback, protective, funny, easily distracted, easily angered. Weapon: she caries a large sword almost the size of her. (the sword in the picture) It is Held with with both hands since she is not strong enough in human form to wield it properly but it is still deadly nonetheless. In dragon form she can carry it with one hand and it is enchanted with fire giving it a heated blade. Tome: white tome or the dragon tome. This tome takes the form of a arm brace. It's abilities include the ability to create flames around her body and control any fire. She can breath fire, allows her to stand in fire without being hurt, and allows her to move at blinding speeds. It's most notable effect is the ability to transform her body into half dragon. It transforms her feet into dragon like feet and makes her legs scaled from her feet to the top of her thighs. It makes her hands clawed and makes her arms scaled from her hands to her shoulders. It makes wings grow out of her back to allow her to fly and create gusts of wind. It makes her grow horns out of the top of her head that are around half a foot long and relatively curved back. It makes her grow a dragon like tail and it makes all her teeth pointy and sharp. It makes her grow in size and is a foot taller to tower most people and it significantly increases her strength, speed, and magical power.