[Center] [URL=http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/110761/soft_machine.font][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=110761&s=55&t=Velvet%20Moon&c=FF9966[/IMG][/URL] [img]http://favim.com/orig/201106/09/blue-dark-eye-freckles-girl-pretty-Favim.com-69394.jpg[/img][/Center] [center]====================. =============[/center] Velvet had at first tried to wait for Ian hoping he'd come to the same conclusion she had and that was to move quickly north but he had become too focused on something outside of present reality and she'd abandoned him to his fate. Sure it was cold hearted to leave behind a human being suffering from some unknown mental breakdown but survival out weighed compassion. She chose to save herself and seek better chances. She wasn't an expert in her present terrain but Vel was skilled in Stealth and Concealment and adapted her talent to the natural world. She became a ghost in the thick undergrowth moving with positions to rest briefly and listen for pursuit or whatever was out there before moving to the next. [center]=======LATER NEAR THE STRUCTURE =======[/center] Velvet caught brief hints that caused her to slow as she came almost in sight of the huge construction in the hidden depression. She took nearly ten minutes to crawl on her belly to a position where she could begin a survey of an enormous structure. Fields of fire, observation points, obvious entry points and possible entry points began to be cataloged by the petite brunette as she made a diagram in her mind for reference. It was while trying to complete her mapping task that Vel is interrupted by a fellow Female prisoner who exposes herself to the structure and adding to Velvet's understanding by being shot with an arrow. Primary weapon ranged Archery. Hostile level lethal Negotiation class unknown Proceed with observation only