[center][color=#A2F22F][h3]Liam Woodsworth[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Churchhill Gardens 5B [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Ettie [@lovely complex][/i][/center] Well, [i]this[/i] was happening. Liam took in this woman's form, how she was so...[i]commanding[/i] for her stature. She seemed powerful. Like the world could be falling to pieces and if it wasn't on her schedule, then the apocalypse would have to begrudgingly find another date. It shocked him, left him somewhat slack-jawed, and he didn't snap out of this until he was led inside his own place and told to sit down. He most definitely took a cigarette when offered and pulled a lighter from his pocket, striking and lighting before taking a drag to reorganize his mind. The silence built, as if a gun was being loaded, and suddenly, the bullets started flying. Demands, ultimatums, orders and facts all cascaded down on Liam's scrawny shoulders, his dark, bloodshot eyes blinking as his way of life was effectively dismantled and rebuilt. Once she stopped, Liam slowly nodded. Reasonable enough. A deep breath, and then Liam was firing his own weapon, [color=a2f22f]"This house is loaded to the brim with drug paraphernalia, I've got the life expectancy of a well-groomed dog, so I intend to enjoy it. I am not an addict, however. There's blood in the fridge that's necessary for my survival. The computer and mixing equipment are only to be moved by me, they're sensitive and it takes forever to dismantle."[/color] Liam made an exaggerated shrug with that statement, then continued, [color=a2f22f]"The dark is kinda required because if the sun hits me directly, I don't exactly tan well if you catch my drift. You can open the blinds in rooms that you're in, but close them when you're done. Air conditioner is fine, cold suits me. You can replace the cookware as long as you buy the replacements, I'm on a tight budget. Menial and dead-end job, you understand. I do make music though, and am very loud."[/color] Liam smirked at her joke about her job, but offered some reassurance, [color=a2f22f]"I've got a friend with connections, hunting you down wouldn't be an issue. And yes, dear, my internet is the best. It's the only thing I pay extra for. Oh, and that's Squeaks,"[/color] He pointed to the terrarium, [color=a2f22f]"you are to show him the utmost respect, and if we are to separate for any reason, I get custody. Period."[/color] After that whole spiel, Liam realized that he just totally confessed his Dhampire nature to a complete stranger. She [i]did[/i] say to leave all the cards on the table...so he did just that. He smiled his best smile and gave Ettie a big ol' hug, careful not to burn her with his cigarette. [color=a2f22f]"Liam Woodsworth. Elliot if I'm in trouble."[/color] Liam pulled back, taking a long drag before tapping it into an ash tray on his table. [color=a2f22f]"Well, come on then. Let's get your shit in here."[/color]