[center][h2][color=lightblue]Izuki Goemon[/color][/h2][/center] [indent][color=lightblue]"Alright then Tiny. Just stay behind me!"[/color] "Healing wave!" Suddenly a wave of light washed over the group, and as it illuminated her, she felt the stinging pain of the fires recede, as did the ache from the shockwave. It filled her with strength, power, and more importantly... [h2]Determination.[/h2] Izuki took a step forward and laughed, [b]LAUGHED[/b] in the hellhound's face, as another burst of water and a wicked spinning kick tore into the beast. More of the black goop vines fell and burst on the train car's floor, while it spasmed and roared. She sneered at it and the beast growled back, all three heads staring straight at her. [color=lightblue]"Whassa matter, [b]pup[/b]? Too scared? Or are you a fucking [b][I]pussy[/i][/b]?!"[/color] That was when it reared back and unleashed its flaming vines, of which little remained. The vines whipped and lashed out, striking the entire party and felling most of them in burning agony. Except for her. A vine flew straight into her gut and she folded over, the breath knocked out of her. But still she stood firm, and before the vine could retreat, she grabbed onto it. With an evil grin, she tugged on it, making the beast whimper and lean forward. [color=lightblue]"Alright, you had your fun. [b]My turn.[/b]"[/color] The beast reared back and roared, and the vine pulled back. The hellhound was many times stronger than she was, though it was weakening, and her grip on the vine slipped as she clung onto it. It threatened to toss her in the air, and as it returned to its black, fiery master, she let go. Time seemed to slow as she hung in the air above the hellhound. Her fists clasped themselves together again as she raised her arms. Then gravity took over and she plummeted downward. And as she did, she yelled. [color=lightblue]"Persona! [b]Cleave![/b]"[/color] Izuki flew straight down as Hephaestus burst from the air above her, and as her fists cracked against the top of its middle head, her Persona's steel fist drove straight down onto its skull with a sickening [i]crunch[/i].[/indent]