Jaakuna yawned, hearing Emiri's question. He smiled and laughed at how innocent she could be sometimes. It still amazed him that, after all this time, she was still quite innocent underneath it all. He found it super adorable. [color=ed1c24][b]"Of course I will. As if I'm going to leave your side after what all happened today."[/b][/color] Jaakuna said, giving her a wide grin.[color=ed1c24][b] "So, shall we prepare for bed?"[/b][/color] Jaakuna asked, smiling at Emiri. [hr] She was right. She wouldn't be a good future queen to his future king if Nadeline stayed behind while Wesley went back home to Dalmasca. She would also say that WEsley's sister would need to know of her future sister-in-law. He chuckled at that. He remember Cassandra being less than somewhat unenthusiastic about Nadeline being friendly with Wesley. In fact, if he recalled correctly, she wasn't a fan of Nadeline's. She would probably be thrilled to hear that Wesley and Nadeline were enggaged to be married. [color=fff79a][b]"Nadeline, I'm not trying to disuade you from coming with me or staying by my side, but going with me to Rabanastre would mean abandoning everything you set out to do for your own country. I do not want you to come if you aren't absolutely sure."[/b][/color] As Wesley said that, she would state that everyone could do without her. She had high faith in her uncle and she would simply have to trust he would do what he could to ensure that he become the next Emperor of Rozarria. Wesley silently admitted defeat. [color=fff79a][b]"Very well. I guess this is one battle I won't win, is it?"[/b][/color] Wesley laughed, looking at Nadeline.[color=fff79a][b] "I guess you will be coming with me back to Rabanastre where we can begin the rest of our lives."[/b][/color] Wesley, though it was to be something to be joyous about, seemed mixed on the matter. Perhaps he was going to miss playing hero with the others. [color=fff79a][b]"But forgive me if I begin to sound like Jaakuna—something that I find happening too frequently as of late—but I do not wish to wait until tomorrow, Nadeline."[/b][/color] WEsley said, scooting closer to his fiance, his left hand stroking her left cheek, fingers running through her golden locks. [color=fff79a][b]"I do believe he would say it best,"[/b][/color] Wesley said, his eyes not leaving Nadeline's sapphire gaze, [color=fff79a][b]"it's now or never."[/b][/color] he said, channeling the live-for-the-moment spirit that Jaakuna had. A kiss was planted on Nadeline as he gently guided her to the pillow behind her. Based on what Wesley was doing, he was going to show exactly how deep his love for Nadeline ran. He would show her just how much she meant to him. [hr] [color=lightblue][b]"Wait, you can't be serious?" [/b][/color]Savayna asked Grant, looking at him. After a moment or two of just looking at his face, trying to spot any hint of sarcasm or soemthing to convince her that Grant was yanking her chain. She stared and stared, eyes wide. She wanted to see something in his eyes, in his expression that would make her see that Grant was just kidding, but she couldn't find it, and that's where she realized that he actually was serious. If Savayna was blushing before, her cheeks suddenly because beet red. [color=lightblue][b]"So you are serious.."[/b][/color] Savayna said, shaking her head. [color=lightblue][b]"Okay, so you really want to know where my father is?"[/b][/color] Savayna asked rhetorically. Of course he wanted to know. [color=lightblue][b]"Alright, here's the thing,"[/b][/color] she sighed. [color=lightblue][i]How do I tell him? How do I tell Grant that I don't know where my folks are, not since that day.[/i][/color] Savayna looked at Grant, still as serious as ever. [color=lightblue][b]"I don't exactly know where they are. Thing is, not too long after my father made a deal with Hamut, my home village burned down, supposedly by a wildfire or something like that. I don't exactly know where my folks migrated to. Last I heard, which was about a month or so ago, they were taking shelter somewhere Mt Bur-Omisace, but I doubt they're still there due to recent events."[/b][/color] Savayna said, sounding disappointed. [color=lightblue][b]"Besides, even if we were to find him or my mother or any of my family, there's no guarantee that they'd approve of me and you, whatever that may be.." [/b][/color]Savayna said, again sounding negative.