[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Arsene%20Montgomery&name=ACCUMULA.ttf&size=65&style_color=652B91[/img][hr][hr][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/d7a91c1a58ad6c979759082b4994552a/tumblr_n64y45C6gx1skto7oo1_250.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Montgomery Residence. [b][u]Time;[/u][/b] 12:45 P.M. [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] His parents, Victoria [@Garden Gnome][hr][hr][/center][indent][indent]Arsene had woken up earlier than usual today and had spent the morning outside in the backyard testing his power by lifting tiny dirt towers out of the ground. Around noon he had considered going inside to see if his mom had made lunch but he saw Julian through the sliding glass door and decided to pretend that he was still training and wait for Julian to leave. He wondered when it had gotten this bad, since when did just saying 'hello' to his own brother become something awkward. He didn't 'hate' Julian, nor was he currently angry at him, but over the years, something had been lost. However, these thoughts were too uncomfortable to think about so Arsene, as usual, ran away from his problems by throwing himself into his work, which in this case, was his practice of his ability. But the emotional distress managed to spill through, causing his next attempt to raise the earth come off a little too strongly as a large cylinder of dirt shot out at the chain-link fence, putting an indent in it, and causing a large rattling sound. Arsene decided to stop practicing, but he looked through the sliding glass door to see if he was in trouble. While his mother seemed angry that the fence was damaged, his dad wore an approving look on his face. Arsene went inside. [color=662d91]"S-sorry about the fence...mom,"[/color] Arsene apologized, [color=662d91]"I-I'll try to push it back into shape later."[/color] "It's fine." She said, with a bitter finality as she shot August a sharp look, indicating that he had already talked her out of chiding Arsene, "Can you call Vickie? We're having lunch." [color=662d91]"Sure,"[/color] Arsene agreed not wanting to piss her off more than he already had. As he headed away from the kitchen, he asked, [color=662d91]"I suppose Julian and Emilia are...?"[/color] "Out," Lexis finished his sentence, "So's Don, as usual." [color=662d91]"Cool,"[/color] Arsene replied, feeling suddenly less tense to know that it was just himself and Victoria. He considered feeling guilty for being relieved that his other siblings weren't here, but chose to ignore that particular distraction. Heading upstairs, Arsene reached the door to Victoria's room and knocked, "Hey, Victoria," he said through the door, 'It's time for lunch." he then headed back downstairs and took a seat.[/indent][/indent]