With a raised eyebrow, Josiah listened to John’s remark towards his comment he made without much trust in what the other man said. Turning towards the direction to the new students as the others talked about who they think would run. Josiah had to agree with what Jason said, the one he picked out seemed so nervous that he would either run or pass out right on the spot. However, before he could state his agreement, John started to speak to a few of the new students. Josiah was just about to tell him to knock it off but before he could, Jack took over and quickly tried to fix the mistake. “Nah, it would be a waste of energy hitting him. It’s not worth it.” Josiah said as he stood up, unafraid of John’s look of warning. “However, don’t forget I’m not the only one that can threaten others with fire John.” Josiah said as he gazed at John, making sure that he knew that his threat was a serious one. “Have you guys gotten your schedule for this year yet?” Josiah asked looking between the two bodies. “I haven’t yet so I think I’ll go do that since most of the new students should be making their way to the cafeteria by now. You guys want to come with me?” Josiah asked before taking a few steps towards the entrance. ~.~.~ Glancing out the bus window, Tia was surprised how big the school was. Following Xander’s instruction, Tia followed behind Terry, Sage and the new girl as she looked around her surrounding in interest. Too focused on looking around, Tia was slightly startled as a new voice spoke. Unsure how to respond to the older boy’s remark, Tia nervously caught up and stayed close to the three older teens. “I wonder who that wacko is.” Tia said after she was out of the stranger’s earshot. As Tia waited for Terry to speak to the person at the desk, she turned towards the new girl. “Hey, I don’t think we introduced ourselves yet. My name is Tia. Do you also ha-“ “Next!” The man at the desk yelled before Tia could finish her question. With a slight shrug, Tia turned towards the man. It didn’t take long before she retrieved her schedule. As she waited for the other two to receive her schedule, Tia glanced over hers. “Seriously? What type of schedule is this? Hand to hand combat? Archery? And what the hell is elemental training. Are they kidding or something?” Tia asked to no one in particular with a confused expression written on her face. “Anyways, should we head into the cafeteria? Maybe we can find someone to sit with in there that might know what is going on.” Tia said as she headed through the cafeteria doors. Sitting by himself at one of the tables was a teen about the same age as the others. He didn’t look like of the people that rode the bus with them so she wondered if he was a student that has already been there. “I’ve already eaten breakfast at the hospital before I was kidnapped so if you guys want I can find a table to sit at while you guys grab your food.” Without waiting for an answer, Tia was already off. As she made her way towards her target. “Hey, can my friends and I sit here with you?” Tia asked already sitting down across from the teen before he could answer.