Tommy had acquired a few new bruises. The palms of his hands were filled with a rather unsanitary combination of blood, sweat, and dirt, though the calluses that had already formed there were keeping any deep cuts from forming. Tommy's knees looked much the same, as every pair of trousers he owns had ripped years ago due to his job. However, Tommy didn't care, as singing with Oliver really did make it all go a bit faster, and while it wasn't enjoyable it was certainly tolerable. Even better though, Tommy found a big hulking ol' vein of oranium! He kept singing as he crept into the crevice where it lay, looking on the ground for a few pebbles of the oranium he could snatch. He would tell them of his discovery once he made sure he couldn't get just a bit into his pockets... If there was one thing Tommy made sure was not ripped, it was his pockets. After a few moments, he yelled out to the tunnel. "I found a vein here! Can we get a drill over here? I can't lift this out by myself and none of you can fit!" With that Tommy made his way back to the tunnel, continuing his singing as he waited for the githkin's response.