[center][h1][color=pink]Kazuhiko Ippitsusai[/color][/h1] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/593f3bd1cc4f18edb872c6cdfbae46be/tumblr_o50kk1QEW01qjiv8lo1_540.png[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Apartment 2B --> Mighty Bean Interacting With: Tas - [@Lady Amalthea] Via Phone [/center] [hr] [center] Days have been passing by like single frames flashing on and off screen with Org activities, portfolio building, projects and some minor academic works and before Kip knew it he was just drowning in a mess of his own tired distressed self, well in a less emotional state due to an inclination to just heave through the work but he loved what he was doing so it wasn't entirely out of passion. And while he was zoning out with his works a lot's been going on in his background: Didi going on vacation, MIA Tas, all the couplings that's been happening, Ben moving out and a new roommate moving in? Hell, he hasn't even checked up on the lady, all he knows is she has amazing pink hair. One redemption from finishing all this work however is Disneyland, thank God for Connor and his unlimited supply of moolah. Too bad Didi's out, the two could have such a blast. [color=pink][i]"Whatever, video call, technology, I can still have her with me at least digitally."[/i][/color]that should take care of the minor crowd anxiety.[i][color=pink] besides Tas is there, mami Nat, Dom, most of the gang everything'sgoingtobefine. "Just a little excursion away from schoolwork, should not be such a deal it is afterall, a reward."[/color][/i] [/center] Settling in his beloved camera and the long ass zoom lens in his backpack, he was ready to head out dressed up in his black everything like a cult leader. [color=pink]"Wait, head out where exactly?" [/color] It was usually Didi who worked out how to go places in this kind of situations and she was not there to fix things up. Shit. [center] [color=a187be][b]From: Natasha Back, at the Mighty Bean. We're leaving for Disneyland today right? Who's riding with me?[/b][/color] [/center] [i][color=pink]Oh, Tas you lifesaver![/color][/i] He sighed with relief. [center] [b]To: Natasha [@Lady Amalthea] [color=pink]"Please take me.[/color]"[/b] [/center] [i][color=pink]"Shit, that sounded desperate."[/color][/i] he realized, [i][color=pink]like what "Please take me, adopt me and become my mom?!" [/color][/i] Before heading out he checked for his new roommate but she was already gone so he just ran down to the Mighty Bean with the following running through his head:[i][color=pink] "Did I just imagine someone moving in? Wait, did I messed up with the seance from a week before?! Is she an actual ghost?! It would explain the silence and the dreariness the past couple of days." [/color][/i] He is a bit of a mess right now but that's not really anything new in his life. So he kept on keeping on, fringe swaying left to right because he's been to busy to even trim it. [color=pink][i]All will be well[/i][/color], he wished in the back of his head, hoping nothing will go wrong this time around.