For somebody with such awful eyesight, Lily Valentine had no problem seeing out at night. Of course, street lamps were a big help for the visually impaired, so there was that. Odds were that without them, Lily wouldn't be so sure which way she was headed. At least, not without the sound of Riley chatting about where they were headed, but the presence of street lamps meant such a situation was easily avoided. For that, Lily was thankful. And of course, she clearly recalled the close call Riley was speaking of. Nights like that contribute to Lily's distaste for dogs. And then Riley proposed the two try for the graveyard by the church. Not a bad idea, really. Nodding in approval, Lily answered the question with "I don't mind digging dead bodies up on hallowed ground at all. Let's just try to be quick about it though; churches make me nervous." It was always fun to help Riley with these necromantic practices. Though she never would admit it, she herself wanted to learn how it all worked as well. You take a corpse, add some magic, and poof, it's moving. Pretty cool stuff, and who wouldn't want to do that stuff? There were tons of books back in Lily's room about "occult nonsense" like this. It was a pretty neat shock when she first learned Riley was doing this fun stuff, but it was sure a nice foundation to solidify their friendship on.