[right][img]http://puu.sh/nBlGv/2846e64ef1.png[/img][/right] [i]"To be asked to take this plunge, to forgive and forget And be the better man, to be a better man, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubvitXV_zM]to be a better man[/url]."[/i] [hr][hr] You felt a cool air surround you, the smell of saltwater surrounding you and bringing with it a new calm. The pain in your leg started to diminish, allowing you to feel as if the ground were like air under your feet. Much better. With so much happening you couldn’t afford to stay still even for a second, and you didn’t want to. [color=DarkGray]“Hermes, Rakukaja!”[/color] you shouted, throwing the same protective shield you had cast on Miyoshi around the tall muscular girl. While she seemed to be doing okay, maybe even better than everyone else, she was still on the front lines. Two down, four to go. But just as it seemed you had a clear opening to cast again, something started to shoot past you. Alarmed, you turned as quick as your body would allow, to try to try and take out the firey tendril heading straight for one of your comrades. You weren’t fast enough. The blood rushing to the surface of her clothes caused your heart to race. Paranoid, you looked to the others to see if anyone was gone. No. Not yet. But she was close and you knew she was close and she was shaking- [color=DarkGray]“Someone heal her!”[/color] you barked, surprised at the coarseness of your own voice. You dug through your bag, pulling out one of the half consumed energy drinks you’d stashed for later tonight. Unsanitary or not, you had a feeling it would help. Ducking out of the way as she summoned her persona, you set the drink in her hand immediately after as not to break her focus. [color=DarkGray]“Hey, you need to keep your strength up. Stay back here with-”[/color] You really needed to learn shield girl’s name. You gestured to the blind girl. [color=DarkGray]“Her.”[/color] You looked over your shoulder, noting that the beast had crumpled underneath one of the water attacks the long haired girl had thrown into it. Like Miyoshi, no one had stopped the onslaught even for a second. Even Taro, who had been paralyzed with fear prior was on his feet and fighting alongside everyone. Maybe it was an odd thing to be proud of but, part of you did. They had defied all odds. Movement showed you that the beast was staggering on its joints to get up, its body almost completely melted off of its skeletal frame. One of its three heads hung limp, the skull cracked in half by the muscular girl’s attack. The vines that had attacked the group were starting to hang limp, like the long dreads of a willow. It was easy to tell that it was just about finished. Maybe just one more big attack… [b][color=DarkGray] “Don’t let it get up- everyone, hit it with everything you’ve got, now!” [/color][/b] You turned, digging into your bag as you did so and smashed the other half full bottle against one of the poles on the way. Better than your fists could do. Running forward you threw the broken glass straight into the nearest vine and twisted it before stabbing it as many times as you could. If everyone attacked it now you were absolutely sure it would go. [hr][hr] [i][right]So love me mother, and love me father, and love my sister as well.[/right] [/i]