[@SomeChap] [b][center]Qulseoc military high command.[/center][/b] Barracuda sat around a holographic table with his staff again, the atmosphere was different than last time. There was a tension in the water. Before them lay a letter calling to mobilize military forces. A first since the qulseoc entered onto the interstellar political stage. [hider=the message] FROM: Barrier-2, Overseer of social sciences. TO: Barracude-1, Overseer of military industry SUBJECT: Request for immediate military action As per standard procedure for the qulseoc governmental intranet, a copy of this correspondence is at the disposal of the grand overseer to freely read. Greetings esteemed colleague. Important news from the council, reports about the Wo revealing themselves are most definitely not exaggerated.The wo are real, and more importantly, their ambassador revealed the myriad dissappearances in that region of space are a direct result of their border policies. Overseer, Judging by their ambassador's insistence they cannot be held responsible for these barbaric mass-executions their culture seems to have some sort of ingrained superiority towards outsiders. As we've discussed many times in the past when talking about the ascendancy, such ideas make them a threat to us. I advise we immediately fortify the border sectors. Furthermore, to show we mean business, I also request a complete blockade against all unauthorized traffic going in and out of wo space. Of course, we will not shoot first, lest we forfeit our current moral high ground. [/hider] The clerical summary of barracuda's conversation with barrier had ommited quite a lot of emotionally-tinted shouting, the military commander was quite shocked to have heard his normally so level-headed colleague so upset. This wasn't the tone of his usual post-council advice. Whatever happened in the council meeting must have been quite angering to get this sort of reaction out of the old squid. “My good friends and staff members, today marks a first in our branch of government. A rogue nation has presented itself on the interstellar stage, their policies, culture and proximity to our borders have seen them deemed a threat to our nation.” The military commander swiped his tentacles over the console in front of him, and a map of the qulseoc's vast empire was projected before everyone. “The situation right now is one that we hadn't considered plausible up until today. The wo exist, that is a possibility we have always paid attention to. What was not expected was the union's government making an unexpectedly reasonable decision to support us in our current efforts. More trained movements from his tentacles, and a series of lines and shapes formed on the map, their purpose and meaning clear to any trained strategist. “This unexpected ally means we can safely divert resources from the union border sectors for this operation” “As you can all see, there is a swath of uncivilized space between the wo and us, luckily, we have experience managing this sort of border thanks to our longtime ascendancy rivals. So, we'll just apply the same principles here. A first-response fleet outfitted with autonomous fuel harvesting units for deep space operations. An array of long-distance scanners watching the void day and night. And a reserve force nearer to our core sectors to be mobilized in the event hostile movements would suggest an impending incursion.” Barrier smirked briefly, their longtime rivals had now served them greatly in giving them years worth of training for setting up a border patrol like this. “Furthermore, as per barrier's reccomendation to uphold a full-scale blockade in this region of space, I recommend we contact The savarog's military command. They will be much better equipped for the boarding operations and direct combat such an undertaking would require. Remember, we're not going to start the war, but we'll be ready to finish it.” Unlike last time, all of barracuda's staff nodded unanimously. Many of themhad heard about the wo's insolence, and all of them seemed to agree these new arivals needed to be taken down a notch. [hr] [@Monkeypants] [b][center]Qulseoc office of foreign relations[/center][/b] The office of foreign relations had been in turmoil these last few days, a stream of tumultous information and worrying reports had found their way to the qulseoc's main diplomatic organ. To make matters worse, the overseer in charge, barrier-2, was away to the galactic council. The first report coming down had been simple. To create a new header in the internal database concerning the Wo, now revealed to be more than mere myth. The news carried with it quite a lot of implications, both good and bad. Most had expected there would follow a steady trickle of instructions on the technocracy's stance on a variety of international matters. Not many had expected the next order to have been so simple. “The technocracy will humor no diplomatic interaction with rogue nations”, barrier's orders had simply read. This new development worried many of the qulseoc working there. Even nations such as the ascendancy had a comprehensive diplomatic document related to them. What might have happened to spark such a heavy response? The next order was just as confusing for many of the veteran clerks. “Write a rough draft for an offer for military alliance with the union. Focus the writing on our common cause against the Wo.” At this point, clerks were hotly debating just what the heck was happening in the council. Wild theories bounced around the office, from the union's president having gone mad to barrier-2 going senile. Most of these theories died down when official channels threw more clarity on the situation, and by the time Barrier's transport docked back at his personal facility a mostly finished draft was ready for his approval. [hider=A proposal of alliance to the inner sphere union.] Greetings to the inner sphere Union. Adressed to you is this proposal, written and notarized by the Qulseoc Overseer Barrier-2. Though our respective nations may not have always seen eye to eye about everything, we can both agree that the insolence of the so-called Harmony of Wo can not be left unanswered. Thusly, we hereby extend an offer of military alliance against this new common foe. We propose this to be an alliance of a military nature in the face of this new possible threat to the security and integrity of both our nations. A bond of coöperation built on mutual trust. We hope to receive your swift response. [/hider] [hr] [@SillyGoy] [b][center] Qulseoc office of statistics [/center][/b] At the same time as the impassioned turmoil the diplomatis were so known for, another branch of the qulseoc's vast governmental machine was also hard at work. Not in the writing of impassioned offers of alliance, but of a more solemn and precise work. Mathemathicians, economists and criminal justice experts swimmed around the facility. They had calculated comparable matters before, but never before on this scale. Logistical improvement matrixes and economic prediction algorithms had been abandoned, every mind in the facility was hard at work. Reading through news archives, comparing data to eliminate duplicates, looking up old ship blueprints to appraise the value of lost ships. Alongside that also happened a more morbid but equally necesarry work. The tallying of those dead, pinpointing their origin... and calculating the price on their extinguished lives. It might be a cold way of going about things, but it was by far the most objective one Related to this great project, the facility's economists and accountants were hard at work calculating a rough estimate of how much value could be siphoned out of the wo's economy without causing a market crash. Their matrices were very much a rough estimate, their data likely inaccurate, but despite this they toiled on. Finally, after several days of calculating, recalculating, adjusting and finalizing, the office of statistics delivered their report to the diplomatic corps. The courier making a light quip about how all that needed to be done now was to write a formally worded letter to go alongside the collection of calculations. The office of statistics meanwhile, went back to their usual routine, calculating, predicting... and simply counting the neverending avalanche of numbers and data that needed to be sorted. [hider=My Hider] Greetings, Harmony of wo. Enclosed with this document is a detailed audit of all deep space disappearances and wrecks conclusively linked back to the intervention of your border patrol. Ships have been valued using the most up to date maintenance log available before disappearance, cross-referenced with the ship's original calculated value. Deaths have been valued using the unified damages calculation index as written and notarized by the qulseoc office of justice in the year 2350 of the unified council interstellar agenda. Furthermore, we have included a rough projection of what your gross domestic income would amount to under the council's unified credit currency. Following this graph, We have determined reperations, should you choose to accept their instatement, would take you an approcimate fifty council-standard years to pay off. This calculation was made with all involved nations in mind and assuming no interest will be calculated for the debt these reperations will accrue to your state funds. Also included are a few recommendations to hasten the paying-off of these reperations. A, approximate 70% of the total calculated value comes from lost ships and equipment. Following the assumption that an approximate 60% of value can be recovered from salvaging, a complete salvage of all lost ships would shave twenty-one years off of your total time spent paying reperations. Salvage of bodily remains, though likely good to mend your current public image, will not recover any lost value, and has thus been written off as a total loss. My greetings. Nemo-1. Overseer of economic sciences. [/hider]