[quote=@Inkdrop] [@Willy Vereb]The Stoludian Navy mostly consists of sloops and other small wooden unrated vessels, like brigs and corvettes, so they are very suscptible to damage if they are hit. The wood is thick, but it is still just wood. Stoludian tactics is to keep moving and go as fast as possible, but they do rely solely on wind power, save for the longboats Geitumo and Frystobiang use for inter-island transport. [/quote]Well, brig-sloops are in the 250-480 tonnage range so your ships would be actually bigger than most of mine. Cannon-wise you'd be most likely sporting 10-18 carronades in the 18 to 32 pounder variety. You'd also have the numerical advantage because while I barely have more than 100 ships you should be able to afford close to a thousand (especially if you don't have much if any ships of the line). Well, corvettes are of course smaller (usually in the 18-20m length range with 4-8 lower caliber cannons) but their firepower is still superior to my single-ballista warships (though those might pack more punch, especially with incendiary shots). Then again naval battle should be just the beginning. The main show should be land battle so perhaps your ships failing to stop the dwarven advance is the best for the plot. Doesn't mean you'd be steamrolled, though. It'd be rather far from it.