As Arya had rushed into the pilot's seat and began strapping herself in The cloaked girl had wandered into the bridge along with the others, she looked around the room before she noticed something. It was getting cold, really cold, she knew it was getting cold outside but she had thought it to be the work of some fool who had messed with an unseen thermostat, but for it to be affecting the inside of the ship was somewhat concerning. The girl held her arms and rubbed them to warm them up a little. [i][color=pink]'who works on the heating in this place?!'[/color] [color=crimson]'oh for the love of- it's whoever we're sensing that's causing this!'[/color] [color=pink]'oh...'[/color][/i] The girl had a brief look of realisation on her before her eye's widened in surprise, the ship they were on had come to life as it's engines roared, the vessel shook as it quickly bolted out of the hanger. [color=pink][b][i]"Yah!"[/i][/b][/color] The girl had let out a short cry of surprise as she went tumbling forward from the sudden movement of the ship, it didn't help the she managed to trip on one of the tips of her cloak sending her to the floor with a soft thud. She groaned slightly out of annoyance and she sat on her knee's with a contemplative look under her hood. [i][color=crimson]'hehehehe-HaHAHAHA!!!'[/color] [color=pink]'shut up! that's not funny!'[/color] [color=crimson]'of course it's funny! hahahaha!'[/color] [color=pink]'it wouldn't be funny if it happened to you...'[/color] [color=crimson]'that's because it wouldn't happen to me'[/color] [color=pink]'hmp!'[/color] [color=crimson]'oh lighten up! come on, it's not like that hurt'[/color] [color=pink]'hey what's that?'[/color] [color=crimson]'huh?'[/color][/i] The girl looked out the bridges windows as she felt the magic on the base's defenses began activating, she began to stand up but before she could reach her full height the jets on the bottom of the ship activated forcing it upward. Once again the sudden change in direction caught the better of the girl as she felt herself losing her balance and being pushed back to the floor, landing on her rear with a thump. The girl just sat still with her arms crossed lightly as she pouted under her hood. [i][color=pink]'......'[/color] [color=crimson]'.........pffff...'[/color] [color=pink]'please don't...'[/color] [color=crimson]'... you're making it awfully difficult not to! heh-heh'[/color][/i] As soon as the girl got used to the ship new momentum she got to her feet and made her way over to one of the windows and looked out it, she found herself looking at the walls of the base, her eye's widening slightly at the sight down below. [i][color=pink]'wow... that's a lot of monsters...'[/color] [color=crimson]'.... we could have taken them'[/color] [color=pink]'I doubt that a little...'[/color] [color=crimson]'tch, you shouldn't...'[/color] [color=pink]'well I do!, I know we're strong but... we're not that strong...'[/color] [color=crimson]'listen to yourself, you know how powerful we are... if you just let me help nothing could stand in our way! we'd be unstoppable!'[/color] [color=pink]'I told you I'm not doing that again...'[/color] [color=crimson]'I keep telling you that was an accident!..... listen... if you ever decide you "might" need my help, I'll be right here... heh, not like I have anywhere else to go...'[/color] [color=pink]'..... I'll think about it...'[/color] [color=crimson]'!!... thanks...'[/color][/i] As the ship sped away from Idris The cloaked girl turned around as she listened to the conversation between Eiko and Ayra. She raised a brow at the thought of her having to use a laptop. [i][color=pink]'um... you wouldn't happen to know how to use a laptop would you?...'[/color] [color=crimson]'um... well, it can't be that hard........ right?...'[/color][/i] Then she hard something about a library. [i][color=crimson]'who the F*ck puts a library in an airship?'[/color] [color=pink]'well... I guess we could look in the library if she needs us too...'[/color] [color=crimson]'aw do we have to?! reading is sooo boring!'[/color] [color=pink]'we cant just sit around and do nothing, they need out help'[/color] [color=crimson]'they said they needed us to fight for them!, not to do their research! shouldn't they have already found the info they needed instead of just leaving it up to people they just met?!'[/color][/i] The girl looked down a little and she ever so slightly narrowed her brows. [i][color=pink]'we're going to help them as best we can, if that means looking through a few books I think we can manage'[/color] [color=crimson]'.... okay fine! lets go read some F*cking books...'[/color][/i] With the team being free to move about the ship the girl looked to Arya for a few moments before heading out of the bridge to look for the supposed library to try and find anything that might help them on their mission.