[hider=Urs Uring][center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/9bba/f/2013/330/2/b/seeros__dwarf_alchemist_by_drewlangston-d6vp35j.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjJkYzgyZS5WWEp6SUZWeWFXNW4uMA,,/woodwarrior.light.png[/img][/center] [color=LightGreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] Urs Uring [b][color=LightGreen]Color:[/color][/b] Light Green [color=LightGreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] 36 [color=LightGreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=LightGreen][b]Description:[/b][/color] Urs has shaggy and sandy brown hair with thick eyebrows in width, although they are not necessarily bushy. Parts of his right eyebrow are covered by small tufts of hair which protrude from his shaggy forest which is his hairline. His eyes are a crisp and burning blue, which are fabled for their oft directed daggers, always sent someone by way of someone who is annoying with furious blue passion. Urs' jaw line is defined and sharply chiseled, with high sculpted cheek bones that highlight his cheeks. His teeth are blindingly bright, and when he smiles you can just swear you hear a "Ding!" almost straight out of a cartoon. Plasted accross his facial features is a trademark grin, his teeth glinting, or perhaps when he is feeling stubborn and moodier, a dirty scowl. Moving down his face, his collar bone is accentuated and very visible. Burns and leathery patches from chemical fires or backfiring experiments spot his body. Standing at five feet and ten inches, his body is not muscular perse, but he has a slightly above average build. For present world perspective; he is akin to being able to bench press 145 lbs (slightly above the untrained average of 135). As far as attire goes, Urs can be seen, when working on chemical productions or traveling, a large and enveloping trench coat which doubles as a cape of sorts, an andonized navy vest under, brown fabric pants, thick leather gloves with adjustable buckles, and leather boots with dried dirt and soot carpeting them. Strapped to his head rests a primitive gas mask capable of filtering out most dangerous gasses and concoctions. Carefully placed atop his head is a wide brimmed classic Fedora, sewn of a rusty colored thread. At his waistline is a an animal-hide belt with various items strapped aboard. [b][color=lightgreen]Occupation:[/color][/b] Oasis Resident Alchemist / Scientist [b][color=lightgreen]Personality/Bio:[/color][/b] Urs decided to foray into the field of alchemy not because he had incredible interest in it at first, but rather a lack thereof in other professions. Without a promising future in any other trades, Urs was left a journeyman of many professions for the earlier years of his life. Perhaps by chance, or by fate, whichever you believe in, Urs was given the oppurtunity for apprenticeship at an alchemy shop through a friend of the family. Looking back, Urs always finds comedy in the irony that led to such a fruitful and invariably successful career for him. Much to his surprise, Urs found much appeal and fascination with alchemy, one that would consume him for the rest of his being. Years of extensive research and bestowed knowledge from his old and veteran master, who has since long passed away, have shaped Urs into a master chemist and alchemist. Urs would absorb what little literature the Oasis had on the subject, spending hours at a time invested in research documents written prior to his birth. Long nights would be spent toiling in the Alchemy shop's Labratory, which was furnished with the best equipment that the Oasis had to offer. Urs would be enthralled in the subject, incessantly trying explore new investigations and trials into the chemical properties of his experiments. This hunger and thirst for knowledge would grow to define him as his life went forward. Eventually, at the benefit of his master's passing, Urs was given the keys to the kingdom, and carried on the lineage set before him by inheriting one of the most prominent alchemy shops and research centers in the Oasis. Urs unearthed many things previously unknown to the field of alchemy in the oasis, and a myriad of possible chemical compounds were uncovered. Urs spent much time hired by nobility and royalty to attempt to find ways to transmute metals and coppers into the elusive and fabled gold ore. Even if all his attempts were unsuccessful, his reputation as an intelligent and sharp-witted scientist and alchemist was growing. Many say that it was Urs' drive for success and his yearning for discovery and knowledge that engendered Urs to become one of the prime alchemists in the field and be considered one of the smartest minds in the Oasis. It was, perhaps, that same drive and desire that led to his volunteering for this hopeless "fool's errand." His desire to discover more, to learn of the deep unknown that extended for as far the eye could see in the desert, was what drove him to volunteer. He has hopes to discover possibly more elements or different vegetation which he may be able to bring back to revolutionize the scientific scene in the Oasis as he had done so many times before with his discoveries. It is on these hopes that he pins his journey. [color=LightGreen][b]Possessions:[/b][/color] Urs carries an iron dagger strapped to his animal-hide belt at his waist. Although iron and other metals are very rare in the Oasis, Urs' high status as a prominent scientist and alchemist has allowed him access to those types of resources more than once. Although he is not especially adept with the blade, it is there should he ever need cause to use it. Urs also has a myriad vials, a small collection if you will, also fastened to his belt, all of them serving different purposes. He has vials that contain ointments to be applied to be burns or others that disinfect open wounds. Other glass vials can be thrown (parallels are drawn here to modern day grenades) which once the glass is broken and pressure is released various hazardous effects can occur. These effects include things like the effect of a molotov cocktail, poisonous gasses, small explosion on impact, and other chemical defects. And as previously mentioned, Urs carries a basic gas mask capable of filtering out most harmful compounds. As well as this, he carries a collection of elemental and chemical compounds for testing while out in the oasis. Lastly, he carries with him a pair of goggles to keep harmful chemical gasses out of his eyes. [/hider]