[center] [hider=Ness-Earthbound] Character Name: Ness Earthbound Appearance: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPhoZRqs8fqZ_xQVWUXcGurVB43TruGWaH6cwt0JPTeQW88Bed[/img] Powers/Abilities: Yo-yo, sling-shot, and his main weapon, a baseball bat. All (but the bat) are stored in his backpack. Ness can use magic or "PIS" attacks. This consists of lightning, fire, blinding his opponents, and healing himself and allies. He can also speak to animals Weapons: Bio/Tryout/Headcanons: Ness is a natural leader. He is great at keeping up morale and helping others with anything they need help on. He is naturally curious and likes to explore things such as Dark caves, weird villages, and twisted forests. Just because he likes to explore doesn't mean his is fearless. When he is faced with a threat, he gets nervous and a bit panicky, but his massive amount of courage get's him through it. He is naturally kind and friendly. He loves to be around others and make friends. [/hider][/center]