*Pokes* Sorry, I'm here as well! Also, am I accepted? I posted a week ago, just below Queen Raidne's. [hider=Esailia]Name: Esailia Age: 16 Country of Origin: America, visiting Germany. Power(s): Telepathy, Telekinesis: Esailia has the ability to speak to others through their minds, and if they can't concentrate on a single thing or effectively block telepathic links, she can read their minds like an open book. This is rare, since even focusing on an object or listening to something intently can raise a wall, due to how the human mind works. Her other ability is to affect objects with just her concentration. This can also be thwarted if she is distracted. While both of these are useful, she feels her best defense against others is a meditative state where she lowers her body's activities to a bare minimum, barely living. This lowers her mind's activity as well, increasing her telepathy and telekinesis greatly. But the other effect of this is her higher brain functions are lowered as well. Her mind reacts by instinct as a result. Greek Name: Chi Side: On the Run [hider2=Appearance][img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/428c7c449886f5b0f51c377fbb6a1b38/http://i340.photobucket.com/albums/o356/EreshkigalPrincess/Anime%20Girls/AnimeGirl47.jpg][/hider2] Personality: An observer in most outward appearances, Esailia tends to avoid social activities and interactions. She is shy and enjoys the company of animals more than other people. Once someone gets past her shy demeanor, she's an eager friend, quick to try to please and quicker to help those in need. She has a general dislike for people who disrespect others, and will attempt to call them out on it. She's honest and upfront to the best of her abilities. History: Born and raised in Washington state, she enjoyed a quiet life, going to school and excelling in all her classes. But she had one issue...she was mute. She never talks about how it happened, but she tries to not let it affect her everyday life. She even took a language class, German. It's her hardworking and high grades in the class that landed her a ticket to Germany. Her teacher had bartered with the principal to get her a seat, and it was an amazing experience to be heading to the place where her favorite language was something she rarely heard outside the classroom. But this was a curse in disguise...if it wasn't for this gift, she would have been safe. After the meteor hit, she attempted to book a plane ride home, only to be told all flights were cancelled. She spent the next weeks huddled in her hotel room, drinking from the tap and eating the hotel's food. It was a mistake to drink from the tap. She soon found herself spacing out, hearing voices in her head, and most obvious...floating objects when she went to grab them. She was clever enough to realize that she had become mutated. She kept up with the news, and with the realization, she spent her time stretching her new muscles. She honed her telekinesis until she could be doing something else, focus on the object in her mind, and move it without even looking. And to her surprise she could talk to others in their head. She learned this by the expression on the room service maid's face when Esailia asked her telepathically while she was focused on writing the request on a pad. She left quickly after that, heading out to find others like her, ever learning and expanding how to use her new abilities. Other: She has been picking up a few others like herself, more than the minor telepathic communication. One even seemed to speak to..what she could best describe as a deity.[/hider]