[color=aqua]"la la la la. I'm singing a song. la la la la. That was the song."[/color] Cassie was skipping down the streets singing this over and over again. [color=aqua]"This place is soooooooooooo pretty."[/color] Then she stopped. [color=crimson]"Where is everyone. I haven't seen blood other than my own in soooooooo long."[/color] She then screams out as loud as she can, [color=slategray]"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. WHERE ARE YOU NUT SACKS AT! I WANT TO PLAY THIS 'GAME'. COME TO MEEEEEEEEE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"[/color] Then the phone in her knapsack buzzed, [color=slategray]"Ohhh?"[/color] --- WARNING! Enemy Program Detected. Strife Perimeter Program Engaged. ... New Mission Received! Defeat the Enemy Program (THUG) Success: Your Continued Survival Failure: Deletion --- [color=crimson]"Hehehe. Come out come out wherever you are. I wanna play with you."[/color] Another maniacal laugh comes but not from her. She jerks her head in the direction to see a thug walking towards her. [color=aqua]"Hey there big guy. You wanna play with a sweet an innocent girl like me. It'll be fun."[/color] The thug just grunted as a response and ran at Cassie lifting his metal pipe above himself. Before he could bring it down Cassie launched herself to the side of the thug and injected her bright blue Piercers into the side of the thug hitting as many vital locations as possible and severely stunning the Thug. Cassie jumped back as the Thug tried to smack her away. [color=slategray]"Awww. You don't like my style of acupuncture. You're not as much fun as I thought you'd be."[/color] The Thug just angrily grunted at Cassie and started running at her again, [color=black][u][i][b]"YOU BORE ME!"[/b][/i][/u][/color] Using her speed she darted to the Thug and swung herself around and up him to end up on his head where she proceeded to repeatedly stab the thug right in the head until he fell over and disappeared under her. [color=slategray]"WHAT! NO BLOOD! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"[/color] She looked down and didn't even realize that using her ability the way she had caused her to be severely light headed. [color=lightpink]"I don't feel so good."[/color] Was the last thing she said before passing out.