[u][b]Student[/b][/u]: [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Hayakawa Tsukimi [*][u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 16 [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Race[/b][/u]: "Human"(As of now she's more accurately classed as somewhat-generic 'catgirl') [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [url=http://vitavitaar.deviantart.com/art/Hayakawa-Tsukimi-598532410]She has black hair, red eyes, and very light, pale skin. The school female school uniform, which is is wearing, has a cream-colored vest with a white shirt, red bow, and dark blue skirt. She has black thigh-highs. Tsukimi is around 4'9 or 144.78 cm.[/url] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Tsukimi is, outwardly, a somewhat shy girl who has trouble with new people. She tends to dislike crowds, as well. She's also a very studious girl, focusing a great deal on her schoolwork and frequently spending time in her room studying, occasionally with a few others who form her small number of close friends. What these close friends could say about Tsukimi is, well... while she might initially be shy, she has quite a temper. Tsukimi complains about others who bother her in various ways, and her grouchy attitude can often cover up her shyness. She's prone to insulting others who annoy her and vocally complaining about them. To their faces. Shyness can only do so much to hold back annoyance, after all. She is also very easily embarrassed, and dislikes when her cat ears are touched(they are a no-touch zone. In fact, the state of being a catgirl is also rather embarrassing for her, but she is unable to reverse it. She likes fish(she did before she was a catgirl shut up) and is afraid of deep water(before she was a catgirl too!). She takes a lot of pride in her capability as a mage, and indeed works very hard in order to advance her skills. Tsukimi is indeed quick to talk about her skills as a mage in training, provided she's among people she knows. Or if she's able to get over her initial shyness, really. Tsukimi is also a somewhat jealous person. That is, she gets jealous of those who are more, well, mature then she is. She's not likely to directly admit what she gets jealous about, but a lot of irritable glaring tends to be involved. [*][u][b]Abilities[/b][/u]: Tsukimi's focus in magic is on offensive spells. As a mage in training, she does not yet have any real mastery, but she is competent and an excellent student. This, of course, carries over into her spellcasting. Among her spells are Strike Aura, a direction beam attack that fires from a magic circle that can be oriented in different directions, Spark Blade, a sword formed purely from magic that survives only for a few blows, Revolver Shooter, a series of small magical bullets, and Spark Barrier, a barrier spell that defends her from attack for a short time. Her currently catgirl nature grants her excellent hearing and higher-then-average reflexes, but also makes her vulnerable to catnip. [*][u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Tsukimi is quite capable when it comes to preparing Japanese food, though her cuisine from other nationalities is lacking. She's not very capable physically even with excellent reflexes, however. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Tsukimi was not born a catgirl. She was born the totally human daughter of the totally magical Hayakawa family. She proceeded to be totally human and totally magical for most of her life, including her eventual enrollment at Ishikawa Academy. It was in her first week of school that she ceased to be fully human, however, when a witch girl decided she was totally the best person to try a new appearance-altering spell out on. And then tried it again. And again. And again. After this steady, repeated spell exposure, the final time left Tsukimi permanently as a catgirl. Much to her dismay. She still doesn't know how to reverse it.[/list]