His soul tethered like a thread to his body, Brími wavered underneath the waves of ethereal power spilling from the immortals surrounding him. With each flash of light from the descending maidens, he felt like he was going to ebb from his earthly body into oblivion. Reaching out he found himself stilled by the comfort of a being of perfection, her mighty wings sheltering him. He watched her as she studied his spirit and reached into his heart to pull from it a tapestry, her violet eyes looking confused. "My Lord. Regarding this one," she said. "His life seems to have been cut short, I felt a disturbance in the timeline." [i]Cut short?[/i] Brími thought. He then jumped at the sound of metal striking stone and watched the robed figure turn to the woman. "What have I told you about using your mother's powers? The future is never set in stone. She knew that. And you should know that." [i]I don't understand.[/i] The maiden stood surprised, compassion in her face. "But surely, you can see for yourself this isn't right!" "ENOUGH!" Odin shouted. "You will send his soul to Hel. Do not disobey me again." Brími's eyes widened in fear as the Lord of the gods judged his soul, turning to stare into this woman's eyes as if to plea for his sentence. "Do you ever think sometimes, you might just be wrong. Just. This. Once?" Suddenly, her hand sat over him and poured the same green light into his body. It felt like a thousand bolts needling the threads his soul into his flesh as the deepest cold overwhelmed every sensation he had ever known. All he could do was scream as life was returned to him, though it felt like death. The last thing he saw was Odin's spear thrust toward the Valkyrie in judgment and her armor shattering into flecks of light as she was thrown to the ground beside him. Seeing the fear in her eyes he sought to turn toward her, but then all was black. [i]Brími...Brími, my son...[/i] A deep voice woke Brími as he began choking for air, hands reaching around his throat. The sudden breath of life burned throughout his body and he tried to turned toward the light. Small hands reached underneath him and helped him sit up, which allowed him to breathe deeper. Once he caught his breath, he turned to see a familiar woman sitting at his side. Without the light or her wings, he did not recognize her at first, but soon remembered what had happened. Yet her long brown hair and violet eyes captured and calmed him. He knew this face. “Who...who are you?” He asked with a raspy voice.