I'm looking for a partner or multiple partners to do some relaxed RP. Strictly interested in private RPs via PMs, and I'm open to a RP with three or four people but nothing more than that. Whatever the case, I'm just looking for something relaxing, to make new friends with and play around and have fun and just generally some anti depression activities. The things I expect in a RP partner are as follows: [u][b]I only do FxF pairings.[/b][/u] [u][b]Please be fairly active. I have a good bit of time to post when I'm not working so I am looking for partners who are able to post pretty often. I would prefer more than one post per day. I like for a RP to keep moving at a steady pace. I am open to 'mature' content, but I don't want it to take up the RP. I am not looking for a smut RP. I am however looking for a romance RP. If there is more than one person, it can be a multi person romance. The details can be worked out between the people involved, not preset here. I'm mostly looking for trustworthy people. I can't really know who is and who isn't, but I can keep to my personal preference of not RPing with anyone who has an account that is too freshly created.[/b][/u] Now here are some random settings that I think would be fun to have a RP in. I know, these are far from original and incredibly generic, but they are the sort of 'relaxing' RPs I would like to do to try and work through my depression. For the record, I have anime styled themes in my head for all of these ideas. [b] Vampire/Werewolf War Demon/Monster Hunters Normal Life Fantasy Adventure Modern/Sci Fi War Time Travel Virtual Worlds Angels vs. Demons Post-Apocalyptic World (Not Fallout) Kingdoms Super Heroes/Villains Sci Fi Police [/b] I am also up for a RP in these fandoms. There are more but I can't really name all of them: [b]Sekirei Gurren Lagann Kill La Kill Angel Beats Soul Eater Fairy Tail Star Wars Halo Heroes of the Storm World of Warcraft Starcraft Skyrim Supreme Commander Mass Effect [/b] Please [u][b]PM ME[/b][/u] if you are interested in talking about a RP. IF people post here in the thread I will not respond because it means theyc an't do basic reading of a fairly short post.