Taxian was in his cups at Dominos place. Once the last bit of light had faded, he left the forge for the night. Well that and the fact that his stomach had rumbled in disapproval several times as he was finishing off the last of his orders for the day. Being skilled with the forge, some projects were quite mundane while others were of much enjoyment to the smithy and unfortunately, the orders eh had just finished up were mundane. A few garden tools for a local farmer. But money was money, if he waited around for those more enjoyably projects, he would never make any profit after all. He looked up at Domino "Hey Katherine, send another round my way would you, and pour one for yourself while your at it. You look like you need it. A voice called from beside him "Excuse me Mr Furthlowe...But I've been sent to deliver a message to you" the voice spoke nervously "Oh? at a time like this? You're interrupting my drinking time messenger" The young man shifted side to side nervously "Yes well, Sorry about that but this message is important" "Says you" the smithy grumbled "Have a drink with me first then I'll hear your message" "But..." "But what?" he replied, sliding a shot glass full of whiskey towards the younger man then continuing "Whats the matter boy? Afraid of getting in trouble? "It's not that, its just the message sir" "Oh very well!" Taxian stated bluntly then tossed a drink down his throat "What is it? "The council has requested both you and lady Domino in the council hall at once!" the messenger spoke quickly then turned to leave but Taxian took hold of the man's collar and dragged him towards the bar "Now now, I heard your message, now hold up your end of the agreement" he said poinitng towards the shot glass "I never agreed to that" "I said drink messenger" he stated bluntly, slamming the reluctant messenger into a bar stool beside him. "Sheesh, I guess it cant be helped" the messenger uttered with a sigh, before tossing back the drink. "Good!" the hulking blacksmith said, pounding the boy on his back "Wasn't that tasty?" "Not particularly no, I prefer scotch myself" "Oh really? well why didn't you say something fool" "I just didn't see much choice in the matter Mr Furthlowe. My my look at the time, I must be going." The messenger quickly retreated "Hey, where you going? don't you want another drink messenger?" Taxian chuckled then looked over his shoulder towards Katherine, "Well, thanks for the drinks, I guess I'll see you there!" he finished, as he rose to his feet and sundered towards the council hall. [i][b]'what do they want now'[/b][/i] the thought to himself as he gazed towards the looming keep in the distance