[hider=Yuuka the Electromancer] [i][b]~Name~[/b][/i]: Yuuka Kobayashi [i]"the Electromancer" [/i] [i][b]~Age~[/b][/i]: 16 [i][b]~Gender~[/b][/i]: Female [i][b]~Race~[/b][/i]: Totally Human [i][b]~Appearance~[/b][/i]: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d0/3a/dc/d03adc2ae5a603c8d1a876f169bdf63a.jpg]Yuuka[/url] She stands at 5'5". Outfits are limited to school uniforms, not including a pair of white gloves of which are sort of actually important to her. [i][b]~Personality~[/b][/i]: Yuuka is honestly just a normal, balanced human being. Her reactions, mood, and temperament are all that be expected from a teenage girl... well a teenage girl with an aptitude for magic. That said she does have her quirks. First, towards complete strangers Yuuka might seem cold on the outside, but such coldness is not intentional on her part, she just tends to stick with her own matters. In reality all it would take to approach her is simple as saying "Hi" and nothing more. Second, as what was already hinted at, Yuuka has a one-tracked mind, meaning once captivated by something she probably won't stop thinking about it for sometime, from objects, to conversation topic, or even people, if she finds it to be especially interesting then she is all over it. [i][b]~Abilities~[/b][/i]: In short Yuuka can be called an "Electromancer" so as such the bulk of her magical prowess revolves around the redirection of electricity, or even the creation of it at the height of her powers. At the most basic level Yuuka can stop the flow of power through pretty much anything just by touching it... which honestly makes her nothing more than a glorified on and off switch really. Now with a little focus she can easily draw out electricity to use at her leisure whether it be shot right out as an attack, or saved for later, well provided she could find a battery to use for storage. Beyond this Yuuka's abilities are seriously limited, for this she needs a physical object to act as a sort of focus. Requirements are fairly simple, the object in question has to be made of a conductive metal, and has to be at least the size of a shower rod. Of course because of this Yuuka usually carries around a plain iron staff. With a proper focus Yuuka can move a much greater volume of electricity, although "move" is the prefect term as she still can't create a charge from nothing. That said by sacrificing her own body's energy and through considerable concentration Yuuka can conjure electricity on her own, at least in theory. As a side effect of her powers Yuuka has trouble using most electronics like say phones or computers without them literally exploding. To combat this Yuuka has taken to wearing specially made insulated gloves, which goes far to solve the problem, just she still can't use touchscreens. Overall as a mage Yuuka is simply average across the board, neither a prodigy nor dense to the mystical arts. [i][b]~Skills~[/b][/i]: In the interest of self-defense Yuuka has been taught how to use her staff as a weapon, on equal grounds with a similarly skilled opponent she can handle herself just fine. She also makes for quite the knowledgeable electrician which shouldn't be all that surprising given her natural affinity. Lastly and perhaps most unexpected, Yuuka fancies herself as a technophile, despite her inability to handle technology without gloves she looks forward to newly released electronics, even if its just to watch others use it. [i][b]~Brief Backstory~[/b][/i]: Yuuka's history really doesn't have that much to it. She does come from a lineage of mages, each family member being gifted with a specific type of magic just like her. The thing is Yuuka is a little special in her family as she is technically the first Electromancer to ever be born, because of this the Kobayashi family was left in a awkward position. Traditionally the parents are expected to home school their children, partly to keep techniques secret from the world, yet with no one able to properly teach her Yuuka was essentially forced to find outside schooling. Ishikawa Academy ended up being that outside place, although that goes without saying because anywhere else wouldn't actually not make any sense at all. Nope. [/hider]