[hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ruthalia%20Tro%27liant%20Hert%27yas%20Morphento&name=QUIGLEYW.ttf&size=35&style_color=B33900[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/bd782921f8e23bfe33dc672a156e31f0/tumblr_mtuvrckmBC1qd7fc3o2_250.gif[/img][hr][b]Interacting with:[/b] Drax and the Foreman[/center][hr] Ruth turned to watch the cowering Foreman as Drax carried out her request. She forgot how literal she had to be with this robotic monster that she called a General. She missed having a capable, organic subordinate around that could understand her undernoted threats and requests. She would bear it in mind for future encounters. Drax was useful though, just not for these kinds of instructions. As she watched the Foreman compose himself after the fear that had just been instilled within him, Ruth felt mild agitation course through her as her eyes narrowed while watching him for but a moment. Her mental link stretched out and she maintained constant eye contact with the Foreman as she probed his mind. A former soldier was it? A sergeant at that. He didn’t seem impressed with the fact the Githkin had taken over the military ranks as Galatec’s new cannon fodder. Ungrateful swine, he should be ecstatic that he wasn’t on the front lines anymore! Galatec was doing him a [i]favour[/i]. What a disgraceful attitude to have as a Foreman of one the more important mining facilities on New Earth. [i]"Yes, ma'am, I will ensure that the workers are more productive and efficient immediately. Is that the entirety of your reason for visiting today?"[/i] Well this one was certainly [i]very[/i] inquisitive. She didn’t like that. Not at all. That was strike three, which was two more than she generally needed to issue her next order. [color=B33900]”Don’t bother ensuring anything, Sergeant Jo’ones.”[/color] It was the first time that she had spoken to him directly and she had purposefully ignored his final question. She waved her hand dismissively at him as she walked to stand beside Drax, her eyes no longer watching Foreman Jo’ones. [color=b33900]”Oh Drax, would you do me a huge favour and take this ungrateful snake outside to a nice and secluded area, that is easily cleaned that bit is important, and skin him alive for me please?”[/color] She looked directly at Foreman Jo’ones then and smiled at him. She walked slowly towards him. Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Her smile widened even more as she watched his reaction. [color=B33900]”Then, Drax, I want you to take his body and smoosh it up into mincemeat proportions. It can do for some mystery meat somewhere. Be sure to store his skin safely somewhere and have it collected so that I can get someone to create a wonderful handbag for me. Thank you kindly, dear.”[/color] Ruth winked at Sergeant Jo’ones before she turned and strode away with the sound of her heels echoing in the now deathly silent room. She stood back in front of the screen that she had been perusing earlier and continued to watch for anything out of the ordinary. [hr]