[hider=Zoey Alston][center][img] https://media.giphy.com/media/13bm2VQDeygmBi/giphy.gif [/img] [h1][color=blueviolet][b]Zoey Alston [/b] [sup][b]Witch | Divination[/b][/sup][/color][/h1] [/center][hr][center][h2][color=blueviolet][u]Basic Information[/u][/color][/h2] [color=blueviolet][b]| Name |[/b][/color] [indent]Zoey Alston [sub]Call her Zo, Zed, she likes any kind of nickname.[/sub][/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Date of Birth |[/b][/color] [indent]3rd March 2001 [/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Gender |[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Sexuality |[/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Occupation |[/b][/color] [indent]Student, and Part-Time Bartender[/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| In-Depth Appearance |[/b][/color] [indent] Zoey has always considered her finest feature to be her eyes; large, the colour of lapis, and rimmed with long dark lashes; they look good plain and natural, but God, do they stand out when she’s whacked some make-up on. They’ve come to her rescue more than once, those eyes – whether it be getting out of trouble as an innocent little girl, or suggesting the unspeakable with a boy at the bar. As for her other features, she likes them well enough too. She stands at 5’5 – some days she wishes she were taller, other days she wishes she were smaller; however, it’s rare to find a girl who is truly satisfied with their height. Her figure is one she appreciates, and has worked hard enough to get. As a kid she lost her “puppy-fat” way too quick, leaving her with spindly limbs that just made her knees look horrendously knobbly. However, she’s worked hard to get into shape, leaving her with strong arms and legs, taut enough to see some form of muscle mass when she flexes or uses them; her stomach, while not actually having a six-pack, is toned well, with just enough fat on it to avoid having just a slab of muscle as a tummy. Zoey’s hair usually behaves itself most days – a quick spritz of hairspray can get rid of any frizziness in her otherwise wavy hair, which can find itself at a dark brown colour or a more light honey – depends on what the hairdresser has done to it. While Zoey’s skin is so far unmarred by tattoos – although is tempted to get some, one day – she has some scars here and there; all from accidents, either in her childhood or more recent ones. Her behaviour hasn’t changed much from a kid as she is now, as you can probably tell; her most recent one is one her left calf, still dark from where she’d bashed it against some rocks while surfing. Seven stitches, man. Not cool. On the same leg there’s teeny little cuts on the sole of her foot, from where she’d stood on broken glass after a drunken night out – and has foolishly taken her heels off. She’d rather have had the blisters on the heels. Add to that a shitload of other small scrapes that each have their own amusing story, her oldest one is on her right index finger; a pale, jagged ring just below her first knuckle. She’d trapped her finger in the car door when she seven, cut it right off. Thanks to her quick-thinking Dad and a handy bucket of ice, the hospital was able to stitch it back on without much lasting damage. Still aches in the cold though. Unlike many in her neighbourhood, Zoey doesn’t have that stereotypical, posh London accent. Does she look like a bloody southerner? Yorkshire for life, baby. Although, thankfully, she doesn’t have the particularly strong Yorkshire accent that a lot of Hobbits in LotR have. Hailing from York, she drops her ‘the’s’ most of the time, but it’s not that noticeable. For her, at least. [/indent] [hr] [img] https://media.giphy.com/media/13MXXavyC3EuXe/giphy.gif [/img] [hr] [center][color=blueviolet][h2][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=blueviolet][b]| Personality |[/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Sassy ♦ Careless ♦ Stubborn ♦ Adventurous ♦[/u][/center] [indent] As you can no doubt tell, Zoey isn’t one to shy away from danger. If there’s fun to be had, or a picture to be snapped, Zoey will quite happily throw herself into anything. Abandoned building? Let’s go – at nighttime, with video cameras or something. Surfing at night-time? She’s there. Rock-climbing without any ropes? Let’s do it. This careless way of living is likely brought on from her “natural talents”; if she has a really bad feeling about something, she won’t do it. Simple as that. However, as made obvious by her multiple various scars, this doesn’t always work to her advantage. Another thing to notice about her is her sass – all sass, all the time. She’s sassed her parents, teachers, friends, enemies, employers, and even cops. Most of the time, she can get away with it – which means you lot won’t be spared either. However, a lot of it just due to her sense of humour, and most of what comes out of her mouth will amuse someone. [/indent] [hr] [img] http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1owy2s0uG1r83779.gif [/img] [hr] [color=blueviolet][b]| Likes & Dislikes |[/b][/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color] The Ocean – either takes snaps of it, swimming in it, or surfing on its waves. [color=008800]✔[/color] Photography – yes, she’s instagram trash. But that sunset is so perfect! [color=008800]✔[/color] Exploring places, usually abandoned or old. [color=008800]✔[/color] 90’s and 00’s Music – judge all you want; she loves the feel-good vibes. [color=008800]✔[/color] The entire Lethal Weapon Franchise, and any other buddy-cop movie. [color=008800]✔[/color] Puns, double entendres, euphemisms – any kind of corny joke. [color=008800]✔[/color] Memes. Call her the memequeen, because she rules them all. [color=008800]✔[/color] Thunderstorms. One time, she went out surfing during one. What a rush that was. [color=008800]✔[/color] Vodka. Vodka is a student’s best friend. [color=008800]✔[/color] Her [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/f7/a1/54/f7a15467d7ce68f8ad299c790623fa91.jpg]truck[/url], and her [url=http://aphillips66.smugmug.com/Motorcycles/1966-BMW-R60-2/IMG5205/1050324554_aKbtK-L.jpg]bike[/url]. They’re vintage, trashy, and fucking amazing. [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Social Justice Warriors – Yes, we get it, you’re so triggered by me using the term “straight” or whatever. Whatever shall I do?!!! -_- [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Special Snowflakes – same kind of people as the SJW’s up there. ^^ [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Calm Seas – boring. No good to surf on. [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Boring/cautious people – what do you mean, you don’t want to come out tonight? A bit of rain never hurt anyone! [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Driving fast – hey, those visions could come at any time. 30mph is just fine. [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Visions – they’re not nice. At all; there’s nothing good about them. For her, that is... [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Guns – before, she kinda thought they were cool. After seeing what could have happened to her brother, she hates the things. Ban them, and all that. [/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| History |[/b][/color] [indent] [i]First things first; I’ll have you know that I’m [u]not[/u] a Witch. I just... see things sometimes, is all. I didn’t ask for these powers, they’re just sort of there. And I have no intention of making them worse with spells, or whatever it is Witches do.[/i] Zoey parent’s realised that their daughter was just that little bit different when she was only very young – no older than three, and her parents had taken her and her older brother on a little day trip to Ripon. It wasn’t too far from their home in York, and the races were on too; the kids loved the horses, and their Dad loved the betting. As per tradition, their Dad put on a bet for each of the kids – not that they were old enough to understand the different chances and whatnot, he just put on a pound for whichever they pointed at first. Zoey’s horse won the first race of the day – so her Dad put another bet on the next horse she pointed and smiled at. The next three horses won their races, and both of Zoey’s parents were beginning to see her as their little good luck charm. But as the last race of the day came around, she burst into tears after seeing another horse walk by with its jockey, and her parents couldn’t understand why. Putting it down to just tiredness, they were getting ready to leave when the race began – the horse she had cried at fell at the second hurdle, crushing it’s jockey to death as it fell, and breaking its own neck in the process. Her parents never took them back to the races after that day, but they couldn’t help but keep noticing how things like this would happen around their daughter. When she was 5, she had a tantrum on the roadside, stopping her mother from crossing. A car then ran a red light, speeding past directly where they would have been walking otherwise. At 8 years old she pulled a fire alarm in a packed shopping centre, only for a gas leak to be discovered after the evacuation. Strange occurrences like this happened throughout her life, but whenever her parents tentatively prodded the subject, she just shrugged her shoulders, having no idea what they were talking about. As a child, she just... did these things, for no apparent reason. It was only when Zoey hit puberty that she understood the meaning behind this behaviour. Instead of just doing things and getting feelings, she began to actually dread certain occurrences, or predict multiple things consciously. In lessons she couldn’t really be bothered, but by the time exams came around she aced them, having already predicted and practiced the questions to be on the paper beforehand. Some teachers suspected cheating, but there was no way of them to prove it. She’d show up to parties that she knew were going to be good, and avoided the ones that would be dead. She even aided her father on certain business ventures – for all her parents tried to avoid the fact that their daughter may be something other than normal; they still sometimes asked her opinions on certain things. However, despite all of her predictions, the last thing she expected to happen, did in fact occur when she was 15 – her parents divorced. It had been obvious the two had been growing apart for a good while, what with her Mother travelling abroad with work and arguments becoming more and more common; but she never actually thought they would split. Zoey and her brother had just assumed they would deal with it, as they always had. The divorce wasn’t exactly easy on the kids, simply because of the changes going on – however, their parents were dealing with it quite cordially. Joint custody, sharing the kids at equal times, and no bitching over money and houses and whatnot; it was a clean break, and Zoey eventually got used to it. Despite that little hiccup, things continued as they normally would have - they didn’t even need to move house or anything. However, two years down the line, Zoey had her first vision. And it was terrifying. At first, she had thought she’d just had a bad trip – she casually took drugs at various parties, knowing that if she only did so occasionally she wouldn’t become hooked – but it couldn’t have been a trip, or an OD. According to her friends, she’d blacked out, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she hit the floor. But there were no seizures, and she continued breathing, so naturally the drugged up teenagers left her as she was. No point in calling emergency services and getting into trouble, right? As it happens, all she had afterwards was a nosebleed that didn’t want to stop, and a banging migraine – and a haunting vision of a bus crash. It wasn’t just a simple one – she’d been inside it, watched as bodies crumpled as they were tossed about the rolling vehicle, some drowning in their own blood while children screamed for their parents. She felt the pain, the glass cutting into her own skin, the emotions of everyone on that bus... and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. As it happened, the bus crash happened about a day or so after the vision, while she was still sleeping off the migraine. She’d heard about it on the news – death toll of around 30, and that wasn’t including the cars and pedestrians that had been caught in the crash either. Zoey felt sick to her stomach, and at that, realised that she wasn’t lucky to have these premonitions. She wanted them to go away – and at that point, tried everything she could to stop them. Unfortunately, for all she tried to ignore her “feelings” about things, she couldn’t stop herself from acting on them. Her next vision came about three months later; a woman drowning, caught in the riptide. Zoey recognised the beaches; Saltburn, a favourite spot of hers to go surfing at. She had been planning a trip anyway, so she and a handful of her friends went up the next day, with the wind whipping up the waves to fantastic lengths. Amazingly, after an hour or so of being there, she spotted the woman - in the same wetsuit and with the same board as in her vision. As soon as she noticed her struggling, Zoey called on the Lifeguards, getting the woman out before the surf could take her. Zoey was commended for her quick thinking, but it still felt wrong to her – why was she still seeing these things? She didn’t want to keep having these visions, even if it was selfish of her to say so. The next vision to come to her hit a little closer to home; her older brother, dying on a sunny beach. Shot; his friends were all dead too. There was more bodies, more blood, more gunshots- Unfortunately, her Mother was there while she was having this one, and panicking, had phoned an ambulance. When Zoey woke up, she was in a hospital bed, and had been out of it for nearly a day. As she had eventually worked out, the more deaths and carnage she saw in a vision, the bigger the toll on her own body. According to the doctors, blood had even been coming from her tear ducts as well as her nose, despite them not being able to find a cause for it. When she was eventually discharged, Zoey went straight to her brother, telling him to cancel his lad’s holiday that they had been planning. Either that, or just go somewhere cold, without beaches, anywhere except the coast. Now, her brother was quite the sceptic, but with the amount of times his little sister had spooked him with her “knowing things”, he took her advice. He convinced his mates to go north rather than south, eventually winning them over with the promise of “hot Scandinavian babes, skiing, and hot-tubs.” As it happened, a terrorist attack occurred in Spain, at one of the resorts they had been planning on visiting. At this point, both Zoey and her brother realised that what she could do wasn’t just coincidence – it was unnatural. Keeping it quiet from their parents, Zoey kept quiet throughout college, passing with flying colours (Once again, thanks to her predictions on the tests... technically cheating, but she was hardly one to pin morals on something as petty as A-Levels) and took a gap year before going off to Uni; travelling around the world with her Mum on her business trips. Now, at 19, she’s living in Edgetoun – going to the nearby University to study Psychology, and doing some research on the side to try and find some way to stop these visions she keeps having. [/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Family |[/b][/color] [indent] [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/i9hOwwxDEqnLO/giphy.gif]Harrison “Harry” Alston[/url], 52: Her Dad – owns a tech company. It’s not as big or famous as Apple, but it’s going up in the world. Well, he did used to work at CERN, once upon a time. That just shows how brainy her big ol’ scientist dad is. [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/LsnXLFJVfG8ne/giphy.gif]Samantha Kitchener[/url], 44: Her Mum – high class businesswoman, being the CEO of some foreign, private banking thing. Zoey’s not really sure. She doesn’t really care either – it’s not a lifestyle she wants to live anyway. Well... the travelling was always fun – meant she and her Mum could bond without work getting in the way too much. Although slightly disappointed that her daughter isn’t following in her footsteps, Samantha is happy to give Zoey all the support she needs. [url=http://d3819ii77zvwic.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gotham_Fotor.jpg]Dean Kitchener[/url], 47: Her Mum’s older brother, making him her Uncle. She’s not that close to him, considering the distance between the two families. From what she’s heard from Astrid, he’s pretty Anti-Other. Although Zoey herself doesn’t consider herself under that category, she has a feeling he would... and as such, is terrified of him somehow finding out. [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/13UGlx0EMUw4qA/giphy.gif]Lucas Alston[/url], 24: Zoey’s older brother. He’s pretty cool, currently studying Mechanics in Norway. Turns out he really liked it there.[/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Strengths |[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Is a very strong swimmer, born from surfing from a young age and a love of water. [*] Can sense things sometimes – it can be as simple as getting on the right Tube at the right time to avoid rush hour, or not ordering the seafood because it’ll just give her cramps later. [*] With a sharp wit and an “act-now, think-later” attitude, being with her can be spontaneous, exciting, and even just useful. After all, if a guy tries to mug you in a dark alley, the last thing he expects is for the weak ickle girl to sucker punch him in the throat, right? [/list] [/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Weaknesses |[/b][/color] [indent][list] [*] Her powers are there, but latent most of the time. She can’t control them – some days her spidey senses will be tingling non-stop (making it quite distracting), and other days there’ll be nothing at all. [*] When she has a full on vision, this too is uncontrollable. It can happen at anytime, which can make driving a little scary at times. The after-effects are nothing to laugh at either. [*] Her “act-now, think-later” attitude can also bring trouble along with it. Despite all of her forward thinking when it comes to what her powers can do for her, Zoey does enjoy leaping head first into potential trouble. [/list][/indent] [hr] [img] https://45.media.tumblr.com/b265abcb35e55990bd47dc09f873f819/tumblr_miqmbzqqQE1s3ghwgo1_250.gif [/img] [hr] [center][color=blueviolet][h2][u]The Other[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=blueviolet][b]| Theme Song |[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyN2c7XyQDU&ebc=ANyPxKqe2BN56dUIp3ob3JP1MvUaaQFzypBF_HcaCXa5zlA6iSIf7dAwE-OoKqGUwNjqE9fngFVXYLUQphMxfsWcI6mxFmLfoA]Icarus – Jason Webley[/url] [sub]” I wake up every morning, To sound of motors roaring They are drowning out the voices in my head. At night while I am sleeping, I can hear the angels speaking, But I can’t recall a single thing they say; I see their lips move clearly, I feel their presence near me, But each word they try to tell me just slips through the cracks. I push, I strain, I wrestle with my brain, And then a voice from somewhere whispers to relax.”[/sub][/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| House Number |[/b][/color] [indent]Faraday Heights – 29A[/indent] [color=blueviolet][b]| Extra Information |[/b][/color] [indent]Smokes now and again; also does some recreational drugs. She could live without them, but it just makes the party ten times better, y’know? Does Kickboxing and swims regularly – not overly so in either to make her an expert in the fields, but just enough to keep in shape. She definitely packs a mean punch too.[/indent][/center][/hider]