[quote=@Aewin] [center][color=fdc68a][h1][i]Eva Jones[/i][/h1][/color] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/102616c8b71267c725ae869eecffaeee/tumblr_inline_mw5ioeb1lg1r4o23a.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] At work [b]Interacting with:[/b] Connor [@Uninversorum] (but thinking about Tas [@Lady Amalthea] [/center] [hr] Upon arrival at the Bean, it looked like Tas and Claire were at each other's throats. Or, that's what Eva would describe it as. They were whispering harshly to each other until it was suddenly Claire on the ground with Tas storming out. Eva barely had the chance to greet the other girl before she was already gone. Claire still looked like she was in shock, hell Eva was too, and the light mood in the Bean was now gone. Eva and Tas weren't close. Whether they could be classed as friends, Eva couldn't tell. Sure, Eva didn't [i]hate[/i] Tas, but nor did she go out of her way like she would to those she feels are closer to her. It was sad, really. Eva would've loved to get to know Tas better; she was seriously cool! A doctor that could deal with this group's bullshit? Absolutely respect-worthy. But the problem was that Eva simply didn't know [i]how[/i] to approach the Ice Queen. She was scary to the goofball teenager, and that was on a good day. It was also the reason she bought Tas some tickets. Not just a way of thanking Tas for dealing with everyone's bullshit over her own problems, but as a way to get into Tas' good books. Tickets for two on a long, relaxing cruise to Southampton, England. It was a nice short trip - only a week long, but long enough for Tas to relax and destress after a long month. Eva would've approached Tas earlier, before Tas' disappearance but after the break-up? It didn't seem like a good time. Instead, Eva slipped out of the tense environment, taking a deep breath of fresh air before making her way to the carpark - where she could find Connor. Finding the car, Eva slipped into the passenger side and immediately pressed a kiss to Connor's cheek in greeting. [color=fdc68a]"Seems like this group is destined to not enjoy time together."[/color] She sighed.