[hider=Ralen] [b]Name:[/b] Ralen [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Birthday:[/b] Mauven 24th, 277 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Ebonfort [b]Resides in:[/b] Stone Crest (no home) [b]Occupation:[/b] Mercenary [b]Appearance:[/b] A man of muscular build, Ralen stands at 5'11, and weighs roughly seventeen stones (170 lbs). His arms are slightly longer than normal, and his hands are heavily calloused. Ralen has a clean-cut face, and a closely cropped haircut. His eyes are deep set and dark brown, almost black. He possesses strong, angular facial features, along with thin eyebrows and a small nose. Most would consider Ralen at least moderately handsome. [hider=With Armor (Purchasing later)][img]https://cdn3.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/096/287/large/kamil-sroka-knight-armour-1.jpg?1457188611[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Ralen is slow to trust and somewhat cynical. When earned his friendship is absolute. He has been forced to reevaluate his personal ideals of honor and chivalry after the death of his last mentor. His approaches to most problems are often straightforward. He is an untried but potentially reliable leader of men. [b]History:[/b] Writing through RP. [b]Skills:[/b] Two-Handed Weapon (Greatsword) [10 + 20 racial] Riding [15] Illusion [15] Bodybuilding [10] Endurance [10] Leadership [5] Persuasion [5] Blacksmithing [5] Unarmed Combat [5] Foraging [5] Wilderness Survival [5] [b]Possessions:[/b] [u]Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value[/u] 1 | Craftsman's Outfit (AKA Gambeson) | Starting | 1gp 1 | Helmet, Chin-Guard (Armet + Gorget) | Starting | 40gp 1 | Breastplate | Starting | 200gp 1 | Chain Shirt (Underneath) | Starting | 100gp 1 | Fauld, Tassets | Starting | 85gp 1 | Cuisses | Starting | 60gp 1 | Greaves (Sabatons) | Starting | 60gp 1 | Rerebrace | Starting | 50gp 1 | Vambrace | Starting | 50gp 1 | Great Sword | Starting | 35gp 1 | Heavy Warhorse | Starting | 400gp 1 | Bit and Bridle | Starting | 2gp 1 | Saddle, Riding | Starting | 10gp 1 | Feed (per day) | Starting | 5cp 1 | Travel Kit | Starting | 54gp [b]Story List:[/b] [u]Date - URL - Characters involved[/u] Saffra 32nd, 301dm [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93572-ebonfort-the-simplest-of-hunts/ic]"The Simplest of Hunts"[/url] Ralen & Li Severcrest [/hider]